Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How To Prevent Tension Headaches

How To Prevent Tension Headaches | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Headaches are a common health problem, and in most cases it is easier to prevent a headache than treat one.

You may not be able to prevent every headache but avoiding your headache triggers can help reduce the amount of headaches you experience.

At the Mindful Healing Clinic, we can help you learn how to prevent headaches, including tension headaches.

What are some steps you can take to prevent tension headaches?

Keep reading to find out more.

Headache Triggers You Can’t Control

Some headache triggers -- such as hydration and sleep -- are, for the most part, under your control.

But there are other triggers which are not under your control, making them much more difficult to prevent.

Hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, menopause, and ovulation are an example of these triggers.

Among migraine sufferers, women are three times more likely to experience a migraine than men, and 75% of those experience migraines around their menstrual period.

The weather and its fluctuations are another trigger which can’t be controlled.

Common weather-related triggers include:

● Excessive heat
● Changes in barometric pressure
● Storms
● High humidity and heat, which can lead to dehydration

Lastly, strong smells can be a headache trigger, and they can be difficult to control.

Preventing Tension Headaches

Controlling the headache triggers which are manageable can help to prevent tension headaches.

A few common triggers which are under your control include:

● Dehydration
● Alcohol
● Smoking
● Not eating frequently enough
● Changes in caffeine consumption

In addition to avoiding these triggers, there are additional steps that you can take to help prevent tension headaches.

Tension Headaches and how to prevent them | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

1. Get An Ergonomic Desk

If you work a desk job, adjustments to your workspace can help prevent tension headaches.

An ergonomic seating device can help support the upper and lower back, and help maintain proper posture.

A stand-up desk can also prevent “poking chin” posture, which compresses the cervical spine and irritates surrounding structures, contributing to headaches.

Staring at your computer screen too long can cause headaches, so take breaks to rest your eyes.

In addition, reduce excessively bright lighting and minimize glare.

Replace your old CRT monitor with an LCD monitor, which is easier on the eyes because they have an anti-reflective surface.

2. Reduce Stress

Stress is something we all experience, but persistent stress can cause headaches.

Stress is your reaction to change, and it comes from your response to stressful events.

Common causes of stress include:

● Finances
● Personal loss
● Confrontations
● Deadlines
● Job loss or a new job
● Traffic

Exercise, yoga, and practicing breathing techniques can help manage stress and keep tension headaches at bay.

3. Eliminate Gluten From Your Diet

If you have a gluten sensitivity, eating foods containing gluten can trigger a headache or migraine.

In a recent study, migraine sufferers were found to be 10 times more likely to have celiac disease than those without.

If you have a gluten sensitivity but not celiac disease, reducing daily intake of gluten may help manage headache symptoms.

You can try eliminating gluten for several weeks, and then slowly reintroduce gluten to find how much gluten you can eat without triggering your symptoms.

Other elimination diets can also aid in finding headache or migraine triggers.

It's a good idea to consult with a naturopathic doctor before beginning any elimination diet.

4. Improve Your Sleeping Habits

Both too much and too little sleep can be headache triggers.

In some cases, altering sleep or wake times can also trigger headaches.

This is because sleep, mood, and headaches are controlled by common regions in your brain, and they use similar chemical brain messengers.

Sleep-related headaches often occur at the same time of day, most often in the morning.

You can help improve your sleep habits by going to bed and waking up at the same time daily, getting 7-8 hours of sleep, avoiding caffeine, and doing relaxing activities or meditating at bedtime.

5. Improve Your Posture

Poor posture can be a trigger for headaches, putting pressure on your neck and back and causing body tension.

This is because the top bone of your spine, your atlas, can misalign, which causes spinal cord tension and distortion in signals to the brain, potentially leading to tension headache symptoms.

Correct your posture when sitting at your desk, keeping your feet flat on the floor and your monitor at eye level.

In addition, if you have a desk job, taking a break to stretch or walk every 30-60 minutes can help relieve pressure.

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

In addition to these preventative measures, naturopathic treatments are available for tension headaches, depending on the specifications of your individual disorder.

If you have been diagnosed with tension headaches or suspect that you have been experiencing them, contact me, Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, at the Mindful Healing Clinic.

During your initial appointment, you and I will sit down and talk about your tension headaches and any other health concerns you may have.

From there, we’ll create a treatment plan based on your unique health needs.

Contact the Mindful Healing Clinic to book your FREE 15-minute introductory session today!

Until next time,

Dr. Maria Cavallazzi is a medical doctor from Colombia where she practiced as a family physician for 8 years until she moved to Canada 16 years ago.

To find more ideas on health, wellness, and alternative medicine, please visit us here: naturopathic doctor in Mississauga

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How To Handle Your Picky Eater

How To Handle Your Picky Eater | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

“I don’t like that!”

“It smells funny!”

“Why can’t I have that instead?”

“I want chocolate!”

If you're the parent of a picky eater, these are probably familiar statements to you.

How do you make sure your picky eater gets all the nutrients a growing body needs - without pulling your hair out?

Let’s look at the basics of meal planning for children for some helpful strategies!

Why Are Kids Pickier Than Adults?

Are the taste buds of children and adults really that different?

Why do things we despised as kids become some of our favourite meals as grown-ups?

You might say that over time our “tastes have matured” but there’s more to it than that, as shown in research done by Gwen Dewar, Ph.D on the Science of Picky Eaters.

Firstly, adult taste buds are more tolerant to sour and bitter flavours.

This may explain why the child who begs for a tiny sip of your coffee out of curiosity will spit it out, but then grows up to have a 3 cup-per-day habit.

Children may also be more sensitive to properties such as bitterness, which can be a signal that there might be toxins in food.

So, we know why children often shy away from bitter flavours, but why do they gravitate towards sweets?

It might be because they are being drawn towards energy-rich foods.

They are growing and using energy at a much faster rate than adults, so it would stand to reason they will prefer foods that help fulfill these needs.

Looking at the research, there are many reasons to suggest children may be picky eaters, and then grow into liking a wider variety of foods as adults.

How To Deal With Picky Eaters

So, you’ve got a picky eater on your hands - but they still need to eat and waiting for them to “outgrow” it isn’t really an option.

Let’s look at some strategies that might help make mealtime easier:

Kids that do not like to eat vegetables | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

1. Get Your Kids Involved With Meal Planning

Do you ever notice how excited kids are to show you their latest piece of artwork?

Or how proud they are to show off their science-fair project?

Kids get excited over things they had a hand in making - and meal time is no different.

Starting a garden at home and involving kids from start to finish can be a great way to get them to eat fruits and vegetables.

As they plant and care for different types of veggies, they will be more inclined to want to try them afterward.

Having them help in the kitchen, even if it’s just adding ingredients to a recipe or having them stir the mixing bowl, not only gets them involved in the process but teaches lifelong cooking skills.

It might even get them excited about Brussels sprouts.

2. Try Different Food Combinations

Just because little Sally doesn’t like pork fried rice doesn’t mean she hates rice.

Maybe she’ll like it in a tasty paella, or risotto with tomatoes.

Don’t give up on getting Johnny to try spinach because he rejects it in a salad - maybe you’ll have better luck with cooked spinach in a soup.

Trying new ways of preparing foods may open your child to things they previously disliked.

But sometimes your child will legitimately just not like a food.

That's okay – we all have foods we don't like – but at what point should you stop trying to make it work and just move on?

We say if a child tries something 10 times and still dislikes it - now might be the time to leave it be.

And what about finishing everything on their plate?

It’s OK. Children need to learn to recognize when they're full.

Pushing a child to eat everything on their plate even if they're full can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food later in life.

3. Set Regular And Consistent Meal And Snack Times

Just like most people have their children keep regular bedtimes, establishing regular meal and snack times is important to maintaining a routine.

Establishing (and sticking to) routines will teach children that they can expect food at certain times.

While it might be OK to have breakfast in front of the TV watching cartoons, setting an expectation of sitting down as a family at least once per day is important - so get in the habit of turning off the TV over dinner.

Or maybe busy evening schedules mean that not everyone is home in the evening, making breakfast a family affair.

Incorporating family meals, where everyone eats together is important; a study from 2000 showed that children who ate dinner with their families had better eating habits, including increased intake of fruits and vegetables and fibre and less fried food and saturated fat.

What will work best for your family?

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

Do you need help with meal planning for your picky eater?

Are you worried that your child may not be getting all of the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and strong?

If so, contact me, Dr. Maria Cavallazzi at the Mindful Healing Clinic.

We will work together on strategies and meal plans to ensure your child is getting everything they need from their diet.

Until next time,

Dr. Maria Cavallazzi is a medical doctor from Colombia where she practiced as a family physician for 8 years until she moved to Canada 16 years ago.

To see additional ways on health, wellness, and alternative medicine, please visit us here: naturopathic clinic

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

How To Deal With Chronic Pain Naturally

Naturopathic Treatments For Chronic Pain | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Are you in pain?

And I don’t just mean the pain after banging your shin on the corner of the coffee table or thumping your head on the cupboard door or after exerting yourself at the gym.

I’m talking about chronic pain.

If you’ve been dealing with chronic pain, it may be difficult for you to live your day-to-day life.

But there are naturopathic solutions available.

Contact us at the Mindful Healing Clinic to find out more.

But first, let’s talk about what chronic pain is.

What Is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is any type of pain that consistently affects your body for an extended period of time.

The vaguest definition is any pain that exists longer than the expected healing period.

Opinions differ on the length of time required to consider a pain chronic.

Some believe 3-6 months is the marker, with shorter but persistent pain being considered acute.

Others qualify anything less than 12 months of consistent pain as subacute pain and only after the 1-year mark is it deemed chronic.

What Causes Chronic Pain?

There are a number of different causes of chronic pain and they can vary widely.

Some of them include:

• Fibromyalgia
• Nerve damage
• Muscle or joint damage (musculoskeletal pain)
• Certain types of arthritis
• Cancer pain
• Post traumatic injury

These are just some of the ways chronic pain can begin.

Symptoms Of Chronic Pain

There are so many different causes and origins of chronic pain that symptoms can vary widely.

It is often divided into two categories of pain called nociceptive and neuropathic.

Nociceptive Chronic Pain

Nociceptive pain is a side effect of inflamed or damaged tissue that reacts with pain sensors called nociceptors.

There are two sides to this categorization, the first being superficial which is an activation of nociceptors in the skin or external tissues.

The second is deep somatic pain which exists in internal parts of our body and flares up when nociceptors are activated in our ligaments, tendons, bones, muscles, etc.

A further distinction of the deep somatic category is visceral pain, which happens within your organs (viscera).

Nociceptor pain is often distinguished as a dull throbbing and difficulty locating the origin point due to pain in the surrounding areas.

Neuropathic Chronic Pain

Neuropathic pain is also split into specific distinctions.

The first is central pain, meaning it originates in the brain or spinal cord.

The next is peripheral pain, which exists in further parts or our nervous system.

This pain is commonly categorized by sensations of burning, tingling, stabbing, or pins and needles.

Chronic pain that can be treated naturally | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Natural Solutions For Chronic Pain

There are many natural solutions that can be recommended by The Mindful Healing Clinic.

Here we will list just a few options to begin your search for solutions to chronic pain.

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a type of treatment that involves triggering certain points in the body using small needles.

It originated in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is now becoming a widespread accompaniment to western treatments.

It has been known to work for fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and back & sports injuries.

Acupuncture may be useful for a number of other conditions as well.

For more on acupuncture, read our previous article on the subject.

2. Capsaicin Topical Cream

Capsaicin is the substance within chili peppers that gives them their fiery sensation.

You might not think putting spicy stuff right onto your skin sounds like the best idea, but believe it or not it can help relieve chronic pain.

It comes in cream, gel, or patch form, and applying it directly to the spot where it hurts causes a soothing sensation.

This can be particularly helpful with back pain or pain caused by arthritis.

Be careful, though! Just like adding chili peppers to your meal, moderation is key.

Too much capsaicin can irritate your skin.

Capsaicin has other uses too, including as a supplement to help with diarrhea and intestinal cramps.

But that’s a subject for another article.

3. A Yoga Practice

Yoga is a form of exercise that stretches the muscles in the body with particular moves, an emphasis on focused breathing, and an awareness of the connection between mind and body.

There’s evidence that regular exercise helps with chronic pain, but if you’re in pain you may feel like avoiding physical exertion is best for you.

This is why yoga is so helpful – it’s one of the gentlest ways to exercise, helping you stretch your limbs and ligaments without pushing yourself harder than you’re comfortable with.

Sufferers of chronic pain often experienced heightened depression, anxiety, and impaired cognitive function as well.

Yoga has been shown to improve all three of these side effects.

A 2013 study by Cramer et. al found that patients who were given a yoga routine experienced a significant reduction in the intensity of their neck pain.

So if you’re experiencing chronic pain, yoga may be the way to go.

4. Meditate

There are many different variations of meditation such as guided imagery, attempting to achieve mental clarity and emotional calm, using aides like prayer beads, or different types of religious and spiritual practices.

Like yoga, the exploration of the connection between mind and body has been shown to improve things that stem from chronic pain like depression, anxiety, and cognitive function.

It has been said to assist with conditions like headaches, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia.

5. Eat Turmeric

Turmeric is a root that is part of the ginger family.

You’ll find it used commonly in Indian cooking – it’s what gives curry its yellow colour.

It’s also what gives mustard its yellow colour.

In fact, it gives just about everything it touches – your clothes, your hands, your cooking utensils – a yellow colour, so be mindful of that.

Anyway, you can find turmeric in natural root form (which looks a lot like ginger), powered spice form, as a supplement, or even a tea.

What gives turmeric its real potency though, from a health perspective, is its anti-inflammatory properties.

This is thanks to its active ingredient, curcumin.

Turmeric – and curcumin supplements – have been shown to help with a wide range of different health conditions, including depression, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and – you guessed it – chronic pain, particularly from arthritis.

We’ve written an article in the past about turmeric, too. Read that one for more information.

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

If you’re living with chronic pain, you don’t have to suffer through it alone.

There are treatment options available.

Contact me, Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, here at the Mindful Healing Clinic, and let’s talk.

If you’re new to naturopathic medicine, I offer FREE 15-minute introductory health consultations to all first-time patients.

During that session, you’ll get a chance to sit down with me and talk about your health concerns.

I’ll answer all your questions about your health, and about naturopathic medicine in general, and you’ll walk away with a better understanding of how you may deal with your chronic pain.

Contact the Mindful Healing Clinic to book your FREE 15-minute health consultation today.

Until next time,

Dr. Maria Cavallazzi is a medical doctor from Colombia where she practiced as a family physician for 8 years until she moved to Canada 16 years ago.

To discover additional info on health, wellness, and alternative medicine, please visit us here: naturopathy

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

How To Lose Weight With Water

How To Lose Weight With Water | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Now, what would you do if I told you water was good for your body?

You’d probably look at me, shake your head, and move on.

After all, everyone knows water is good for you.

This is not a revelation you need a naturopathic doctor in Mississauga or some other health specialist to point out to you.

But not everyone knows exactly why.

Sure, it’s refreshing to enjoy a cold glass of water after a tennis match or a hot day in the Sun, but why is that?

Why do we drink water?

Benefits of Water

Water does a lot for you.

It plays a big role in your digestive system, helping to break down food in your digestive tract and turn it into the nutrients your body needs to function.

It also keeps your digestive tract lubricated and moving, making sure everything functions the way it should.

Once the nutrients are broken down into the components your body can use, water helps you get your nutrients where it needs to go.

Nutrients and oxygen need to travel to your cells, but to do that they need a medium.

And yes, your blood is the medium, but your blood is 92% water.

Meanwhile, your kidneys and liver use water to carry away the waste you don’t want to be hanging around in your body.

Water acts as a lubricant for your body as well, keeping your mouth and eyes moist enough to work properly.

Your lungs, too, don’t work when they’re all dried out - and why would they – they’re 83% water, after all.

It keeps your joints flexing and moving properly, and in general keeps you from shriveling up into an ancient Egyptian mummy.

It helps your body regulate its temperature and helps maintain the shape and volume of the cells in your body too, so they can work properly.

In short, you’d be in trouble without water.

But there’s more to it than that.

Believe it or not, water plays an important role in weight management too.

So if you’re looking for weight loss tips, start with water.

How To Lose Weight With Water

Why do so many people struggle with their weight?

There are many different reasons, but one of the big ones is the fact that they don’t know how to recognize when they’re thirsty, and they don’t know the difference between water and fluids.

After all, just because you’re drinking fluids doesn’t mean you’re getting the water you need.

This common mistake is one of the main causes of a wide range of illnesses in the human body, including excessive weight gain.

Do you know the difference between hunger and thirst?

Sometimes it’s obvious.

If you’ve just run a 5k marathon, or you just biked from Mississauga to Scarborough, you’re probably going to reach for a glass of water before you do a steak dinner.

But most of the time, the sensation of thirst and hunger are so similar that it’s hard to recognize when your brain wants one over another.

This often ends up with us reaching for the snack drawer when what we really need is a tall glass of water.

So the next time you feel hungry, try taking a drink first.

If your hunger subsides quickly, maybe you weren’t so hungry after all.

How Does This Work?

Your brain has two different mechanisms which it uses for energy: metabolism of food and formation of sugars; and conversion of water into hydroelectric energy.

But studies have shown that the brain depends more heavily on the latter, especially for its transport system in your nerves to different parts of the body.

Basically, your brain can’t run without water.

The use of water and how it can help you lose weight | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

How Much Water Do I Need?

So now you know how important water is.

But there’s more to it than just pouring some of the clear stuff down the hatch.

A general rule of thumb is to drink 35 mL of water for every kg of body weight you have.

The average Canadian woman weighs about 69 kg, so that works out to about 2.4 litres of water (or about five 500 mL water bottles) daily.

Canadian males, meanwhile, weigh an average of about 83 kg, so they should drink about 2.9 litres (or about six water bottles) daily.

Your Water Weight Loss Plan

Follow this strategy to make sure you’re getting enough water:

Drink two glasses of water as soon as you wake up.

This helps kickstart your metabolism and will give you a nice burst of energy in the morning.

1. Drink A Glass Of Water Before Each Meal

Several studies have shown that those who drink a glass of water before a meal end up consuming fewer calories.

A 2003 study by Boschmann Et Al goes more into the science behind this if you’re interested.

2. Ditch The Soft Drinks

If you were to make just one single dietary change in your life to improve your health, this is a good one to start with.

Getting rid of high calorie soft drinks in your diet can save you hundreds of calories per day.

Plus these drinks are loaded with sugar, artificial colouring, and all sorts of other chemicals and generally nasty stuff.

You’re better off avoiding them.

3. Keep Drinking Water Throughout The Day

Yes, start your day with two big glasses of water, but don’t just assume you’re good for the rest of the day.

If you drink small sips of water at regular intervals, your body will absorb it more readily.

4. Drink More Earlier In The Day

If your bladder likes to wake you up at night, it’s going to get worse the more water you drink.

To get around this, drink most of your water during the first three quarters of the day.

Contact Dr. Maria

If you’re struggling with weight loss, there are naturopathic solutions that may help you.

Contact me, Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, here at the Mindful Healing Clinic, and let’s chat.

If you’re new to naturopathic medicine, or you’re not sure if I’m right for you, book a FREE 15-minute health consultation.

During that consultation, you’ll get a chance to sit down with me and ask any questions you have about naturopathic medicine or about your health.

I’ll answer them as best I can, and you’ll walk away with a better understanding of how I can help.

Contact me and book your FREE 15-minute consultation today.

Until next time,

Dr. Maria Cavallazzi is a medical doctor from Colombia where she practiced as a family physician for 8 years until she moved to Canada 16 years ago.

To find more ideas about health, wellness, and alternative medicine, please visit us here: naturopaths in streetsville