Thursday, January 31, 2019

Natural Treatments For Kidney Stones

Natural Treatments For Kidney Stones | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Some people never suffer from kidney stones, and others have them recur frequently, and the reason why may be as much to do with what you’re eating as it is your family medical history.

There are many types of kidney stones, but generally speaking they are hard deposits that form inside your kidneys and are passed through urination.

Passing kidney stones can be extremely painful, and they do occasionally become lodged in the urinary tract, which can require surgery to remove them.

This is why naturopaths will recommend key dietary additions in order to prevent a gut health disruption that can cause kidney stones, especially if you’re in the “at risk” category.

What Is A Kidney Stone?

The answer to “what is a kidney stone” depends a little on what kind of kidney stone you have, so let’s go over those, quickly.

Uric acid stones are more common with people who don’t drink enough, who eat a high-protein diet, or those who have gout.

Cystine stones are mostly hereditary, and are caused when the kidneys produce too much of a specific amino acid.

Struvite stones will occur due to an infection such as a UTI; be wary, as struvite stones will grow surprisingly quickly and can be on the large side, making them more difficult to pass.

The most common stones are calcium stones, which are comprised of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate.

Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

You may not always be aware of a kidney stone until it starts to make its move, but these are the symptoms to be aware of:

• Urinating in small amounts, and more frequently than normal
• Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity
• Persistent need to urinate, and pain during urination
• Pink, red or brown urine; cloudy or foul-smelling urine
• Nausea and vomiting
• Severe pain in the side and back, below the ribs
• Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin
• Fever and chills with an accompanying infection

What Causes Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones occur for different reasons, and they can also be hereditary.

Because of their diet or their lifestyle, some people are also more prone to developing kidney stones.

Stones occur when urine concentrates, causing minerals to crystallize and bind together into solid masses.

Risk Factors For Developing Kidney Stones

Generally speaking, those most susceptible for developing kidney stones include those who:

• Consume too much food with calcium oxalate or uric acid
• Drink too little fluid
• Have recurrent urinary tract infections
• Have a blockage of the urinary tract
• Have needed bed rest for several weeks or more
• Have consumed too much Vitamin C or D
• Are taking certain medications
• Are afflicted with certain metabolic diseases, or obesity
• Are afflicted with renal tubular acidosis, hyperparathyroidism, cystinuria or urinary tract infections

Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

The most important thing to know, if you suspect you have a kidney stone, is that you should get checked out by your doctor; even the smallest kidney stones can be incredibly painful, and you should be prepared in case there are complications.

Below are some other ways to help you deal with them, as well as use for preventative medicine so they don’t recur.

Apple cider vinegar For Kidney Stones | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

1. Drink Lemon Juice

Citrate is a chemical found in lemons that helps prevent calcium stones from forming; it can also break up small stones, making them much less painful to pass.

Although you probably can’t consume enough lemon juice in one session to have a huge effect, habitually adding some fresh lemon juice to your water can be effective over time.

2. Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

The key part of apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which also helps to dissolve kidney stones.

Even better news, apple cider vinegar can also help you by easing the pain when you are passing the stones.

The best way to take apple cider vinegar is by adding 2 tbsp to 8 ounces of purified water and drinking this throughout the day.

If you prefer, you can also replace balsamic with apple cider vinegar in your salad dressing.

A couple of caveats for apple cider vinegar use: large amounts can cause low potassium and osteoporosis; as well, diabetics and people taking certain medicines should exercise caution.

3. Drink Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass is commonly taken because it is so full of needed nutrients for optimal health.

When it comes to kidney stones, wheatgrass helps by increasing urine, which helps pass the stones; it also is effective at cleansing the kidneys.

Drink 2-8 oz. of wheatgrass juice, starting with a small amount and working your way up – this will help reduce side effects.

4. Eat Kidney Bean Broth

Although it may sound unappetizing, broth from cooking kidney beans (strained and refrigerated) can be very effective in helping dissolve and flush out kidney stones.

Drinking a few glasses a day will also help to improve your overall urinary and kidney health.

5. Take Dandelion Extract

You probably didn’t know that those pesky dandelions that you are constantly pulling out of your front yard are practically a superfood.

Dandelions are good sources for vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as potassium, iron and zinc; the roots are used as a tonic for the liver, stimulating bile production. The leafs are diuretic.

You can make fresh dandelion juice with the leaves, or you can buy it in tea form – try to drink 3 to 4 cups per day for the best effect.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

If you’re reading this because you or your family has a history of kidney stones, I hope it was helpful in understanding the causes and treatments.

However, I encourage you to contact us and make an assessment to discuss your approach and get our expert input on how to improve your chances of escaping recurrences.

Often, avoiding painful kidney stones can simply be a matter of discussing and adjusting your diet and habits, and that’s where I can assist; call now and book an appointment with me, Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, at the Mindful Healing Clinic in Streetsville, Mississauga.

The post Natural Treatments For Kidney Stones appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Getting To Know Your Body: Your Kidneys

Getting To Know Your Body: Your Kidneys | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

It’s important to understand your body inside and out – how your internal organs work, and what to expect if they aren’t.

Last time in our ongoing series on getting to know your body, we talked about your thyroid and before that your endocrine system.

Today, we’re discussing your kidneys, or your body’s efficient blood filtration system.

When your kidneys are healthy and functioning as they should, your entire body feels the benefits.

This means if your kidneys are not at full health your body accumulates toxins and waste, which in turn affects how your body functions.

Most of us know the kidneys are a pair of fist-sized organs, located at the base of the spine.

But what do they actually do, and how do you ensure your kidneys are as healthy as possible?

Let’s look at how your kidneys function, so we can delve into the natural ways you can care for them.

What Do Your Kidneys Do?

Your kidneys are crucial for every system of your body because their job is to filter blood.

When blood enters the kidney, it removes waste and adjusts salt and electrolyte levels.

Some of the waste products removed during this process include particles left behind by digestion, extra fluids, and other various things you don’t want lingering in your blood.

The waste removed by your kidneys becomes urine, and the cleansed blood flows back into the rest of your body.

Each kidney contains around a million small filters, called nephrons, which work to clean and balance your blood.

When your kidneys are healthy and functioning properly, they are contributing to a balanced blood pressure, regulated hormone levels, and a strong musculoskeletal system.

Common Conditions That Affect Your Kidney

There are a number of unfortunately common conditions that affect the kidneys.

• Kidney stones, or nephrolithiasis – Minerals build up in your urine and form crystals, which vary in size and are often extremely painful to pass
• Polycystic kidney disease: A genetic condition, which causes large cysts within your kidneys
• Nephrotic syndrome: Proteins spilled into urine as a result of kidney damage
• Kidney pelvis infection, or pyelonephritis: The kidney is infected with bacteria, which causes back pain and fever – often caused by an untreated urinary bladder infection
• Glomerulonephritis: The immune system attacks the kidneys, resulting in damage and inflammation – may cause blood and protein to leak into urine & can result in kidney failure

What Is Kidney Failure

Because your kidneys’ job is to filter your blood of toxic waste, they serve an absolutely crucial role in making sure your body functions properly, or at all.

Kidney failure is an extremely serious condition that happens when your kidneys stop working enough to keep your body alive. The 2 leading causes are type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

If your kidneys suddenly stop working, this is known as acute kidney injury or acute renal kidney failure.

Unfortunately, there is no “cure” for a failed kidney – there is only continuing treatment.

Symptoms Of Kidney Failure

As mentioned above, kidney failure is an incredibly serious condition and can be fatal.

If you feel any of the below symptoms, go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

It’s not always obvious if you’re experiencing kidney failure, because whatever caused it may be also causing a myriad of symptoms; however, here are the most common symptoms of kidney failure:

• Kidney pain: This can often feel like abdominal pain, or flank pain. The kidneys are located below the ribs and at the base of your spine, behind the stomach;
• Fluid retention and inflammation: This occurs due to your electrolyte levels being imbalanced; it particularly happens in the legs and feet. The face and eyes may also be swollen and puffy;
• Inconsistent urination: If you’re experiencing kidney failure you may produce less urine, or no urine at all. Alternatively, you may be urinating very frequently, or your urine may contain blood
• High blood pressure;
• Digestive issues: Nausea, indigestion, and occasionally vomiting may occur with kidney failure;
• Mood and mental changes: Problems with cognition, including “brain fog”, confusion, anxiety, and trouble sleeping, may occur. This is due to dehydration and an imbalance of electrolytes.

Again, if you’re experiencing these symptoms, visit the emergency room as soon as possible.

Natural Treatments To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

Ensuring your kidneys are healthy should be a priority, considering how important they are for your overall health.

Thankfully, there are all-natural ways that you can take care of your kidneys.

healthy kidneys and what you need to know | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

1. Eat A Kidney-Friendly Diet

Eating a healthy diet is absolutely necessary for preventing and managing kidney issues.

A naturopath or dietician can help you determine which foods are best for your lifestyle, and your kidneys.

Typically, a kidney-friendly diet includes nutrient-dense unprocessed foods high in electrolytes.

It also doesn’t require much restriction – there are tons of tasty foods that are great for your kidney health such as blueberries, cherries, cranberries, celery, leafy greens, beets, and various fruits such as bananas, lemons, and avocados.

An important piece of the puzzle is making sure you’re drinking enough water.

Dehydration can increase the risk of kidney problems and complications, especially if you exercise often, sweat often, or drink diuretic beverages such as coffee or tea.

It’s also recommended that those with kidney issues should limit sodium, potassium, and phosphorus intake, as well as dairy and protein-heavy foods.

2. Supplement With Magnesium

There are some nutrients that are vital for your kidney health.

One of these nutrients is magnesium, as proven by this 2016 study.

The above study shows how magnesium supplementation results in a variety of positive effects in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Magnesium supplements reduce phosphate absorption and have a potential positive effect on vascular calcification.

3. Supplement With Vitamin B6

Similar to magnesium, treatment with vitamin B6 shows a reduction in one of the minerals that may be impacting your kidneys.

This 2018 study shows taking vitamin B6 reduces the urinary excretion of oxalate, which has been proven to be a major risk factor for calcium oxalate kidney stones.

Kidney stones are considered to be one of the most painful conditions, and vitamin B6 supplements may help you avoid having to deal with that discomfort with little risk.

4. Supplement With Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an absolutely essential nutrient that features low toxicity, strong antioxidant function, and very rare side effects.

It has also been proven to help with acute kidney injury.

Vitamin E has shown to play a protective role in your kidney health, and is a primary area of focus for researchers looking at kidney therapy treatments.

5. Use Lemon AndHelichrysum Essential Oils

Lemon and other citrus fruits are great additions to your kidney-friendly diet.

That isn’t the only way to incorporate the benefits of this fruit to your life, however.

Lemon essential oil supports your kidneys and your liver in the detoxification process, and deters the development of kidney stones.

You can put a few drops of lemon or other citrus oil in your water or tea twice daily.

Be sure to talk to your naturopath or doctor before consuming essential oils.

Another essential oil that can help your kidneys, but this time from the outside of your body, is helichrysum oil.

Helichrysum is a member of the sunflower family, and is considered to have powerful healing effects.

This essential oil is applied topically, over your lower abdomen – but be sure to dilute all essential oils with a carrier oil or lotion.

You can easily put a few drops of helichrysum essential oil in your moisturizer, making it a relaxing part of your daily routine that benefits your kidney health.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

Your kidneys serve the important purpose of filtering and cleansing your blood, then sending it off to power the rest of your body.

There are steps you can take to ensure your kidneys are functioning at their best and filtering out all the toxins and waste from your blood.

For a natural solution to your kidney health, contact The Mindful Healing Clinic.

If you’re dealing with a kidney issue or condition, we can help you find natural therapy options to supplement your treatment.

Or if you’re looking to prevent future kidney disease and make sure your kidneys are functioning properly, we can work with you to determine how you can strengthen and protect your body from potential illness.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic today for more information – we can help.

The post Getting To Know Your Body: Your Kidneys appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 explained | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Vitamins and minerals.

There are so many to think about and to wonder about what they do for us. Checking whether we are getting enough and how to know if we are deficient is very important.

As a naturopathic doctor in Mississauga I want to help you make sure you’re getting all of the vitamins you need. Today we’ll be looking at the benefits of vitamin B3, and how to make sure you’re getting enough.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is Vitamin B3?

Vitamin B3 is one of the eight vitamins in the B-complex, and is also called niacin.

This vitamin has two main forms, nicotinic acid and niacinamide or nicotinamide.

Vitamin B3 is water soluble, meaning it is not stored by the body, and excess B3 is excreted in urine.

Benefits Of Vitamin B3

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of vitamin B3, as there are many.

1. May Help Lower LDL Cholesterol

A 2004 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed vitamin B3 to be useful in significantly lowering LDL (aka low-density lipoproteins or “bad”) cholesterol levels.

Niacin is often used as a treatment for people with high cholesterol who can’t tolerate statins, and has been used in this way since the 1950s.

2. May Help Increase HDL Cholesterol

The same study from 2004 mentioned previously also showed niacin to raise HDL (aka high-density lipoproteins or “good”) cholesterol by 15 to 35 percent.

It should be noted that using niacin as a treatment for cholesterol is only effective at high doses, and should only be done under the supervision of a health-care professional.

3. May Help Prevent Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is when plaque builds up in your arteries.

Over time, plaque can build up and block blood flow to the heart.

A 2008 study in the American Journal of Cardiology showed niacin can inhibit the mechanisms which cause atherosclerosis.

4. May Reduce Risk Of Skin Cancer

A showed vitamin B3 to have protective effects against damage caused to the skin by UV radiation.

In a double-blind study, the rate of new, non-melanoma skin cancers was 23% lower in the group that was given niacin than the group given placebo.

5. Improves Cognitive Function

A 2012 case report in the Shanghi Archives of Psychiatry describes a patient who was admitted to a hospital after being found naked in the street talking to himself. His condition deteriorated further, to the point where he suffered from severe diarrhea, fear and paranoia, and inability to answer questions.

After attempting treatment with the antipsychotic perphenazine, his condition continued to deteriorate until the hospital determined he was suffering from pellagra, a type of niacin deficiency that manifests in what is known as the “3 D’s” – dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis.

After treating his niacin deficiency, he made a full recovery within a few months.

Other benefits

Vitamin B3 has many more benefits, aside from what has been listed above.

A few of these include:

● Lowers triglycerides
● May help treat type 1 diabetes
● May reduce symptoms of arthritis

Dietary Sources Of Vitamin B3 | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Dietary Sources Of Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 can be found in many foods, including chicken breast, tuna in oil, beef, smoked salmon, peanuts, and lentils.

Vegetarians and vegans can also look to Portobello mushrooms, cooked potatoes, bran and wheat germ, instant oatmeal, soy burgers, and pumpkin seeds.

Symptoms Of Vitamin B3 Deficiency

If the above listed benefits of vitamin B3 aren’t enough to convince you of the important role it plays in the body, the symptoms of niacin deficiency might convince you it is something which you don’t want to miss out on.

B3 deficiency may result in memory loss, confusion, fatigue, depression, headache, diarrhea, and skin problems.

However you can rest assured, as vitamin B3 deficiency is actually very rare in western countries.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

As mentioned above, vitamin B3 deficiency is quite rare in Canada, however there are other vitamins you may be missing out on.

At the Mindful Healing clinic we can help you determine if you have any vitamin deficiencies, and work with you to create a plan to address them.

Contact us today to set up a consultation.

The post Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B3 appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Naturopathic Treatments For Celiac Disease

Naturopathic Treatments For Celiac Disease | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Celiac disease existed for thousands of years before researchers discovered gluten was the culprit.

Nowadays, we know much more about what causes celiac disease and how to best treat it.

Due to its myriad of symptoms and the fact that gluten is in so many foods we often consume, celiac disease can be difficult to diagnose.

In fact it is often left undiagnosed, which can lead to problematic long-term health issues affecting not only your digestive system but also your skin, joints, and bones.

Thankfully, there are natural ways to treat the uncomfortable and often painful symptoms of celiac disease and help improve your quality of life.

If you have celiac disease or you believe you may be experiencing related symptoms, a digestive health naturopathic doctor will be able to help you investigate natural solutions.

In the meantime, let’s look into the details of what celiac disease is.

What Is Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an auto-immune reaction to the consumption of gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley.

The immune reaction is triggered in your small intestine, which can cause disastrous problems over time if left untreated.

Most statistics put celiac disease as affecting less than 1% of all adults, though many cases are thought to be undiagnosed.

Researchers from the University of Chicago estimate that approximately 15-17% of celiac cases are known and diagnosed in America alone, meaning that the majority of individuals with celiac disease do not know they have it.

But what actually happens inside of your body when you have celiac disease?

If you have celiac disease and you consume gluten, your digestive system sets off an alarm, to which your immune system immediately responds.

When your body interacts with gliadin, one of the compounds in the gluten protein, your antibody levels will rise and your body will releasecytokine chemicals.

Usually, cytokines are a good thing.

When they are functioning properly, they help your body heal and protect against harmful infections and injuries.

However, cytokines can also cause problematic inflammation, which is related to a myriad of health issues.

But how do you know if your health issues are due to a gluten intolerance, or something more?

Let’s delve into the various signs and symptoms indicative of celiac disease.

Symptoms Of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease can manifest itself in many different symptoms, and they are different in adults and children.

However, the most common symptoms for adults with celiac disease are related to the digestive system.

The most prevalent include diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, and weight loss; other common digestive symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea and/or vomiting, and malnutrition due to improper gut absorption.

There are also many symptoms of celiac disease that are not centred around the digestive system.

These symptoms include:

-Sudden weight change
-Joint pain
-Anemia and iron deficiency
-Osteoporosis (bone density loss) or osteomalacia (bone softening)
-Canker sores/mouth ulcers
-Numbness/tingling in hands and feet
-Acid reflux and heartburn
-Itchy skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)

The symptoms of celiac disease can be very different in children.

Younger children (under 2 years old) with celiac disease typically experience vomiting, diarrhea, poor appetite, failure to thrive, and a swollen belly.

Children older than 2 may experience some similar symptoms, such as diarrhea, constipation, and weight loss, but they may also have a short stature, delayed puberty, and various neurological symptoms.

These neurological symptoms include irritability, ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), headaches/migraines, or learning disabilities.

Celiac disease can manifest in many various ways and can be mistaken for many other digestive and health issues, which is a major factor in making it difficult to diagnose.

Causes And Risk Factors For Celiac Disease

Unfortunately for those dealing with celiac disease, the exact cause is unknown.

Celiac disease can be triggered by an intense emotional experience during pregnancy or childbirth, or a traumatic physical and emotional event, such as surgery or severe stress.

Although some gene variations appear to increase your risk of developing celiac disease, it is not necessarily a genetic condition.

For example, if someone in your family has celiac disease, you will not necessarily have it as well.

This proves additional factors must be involved in the causation of celiac disease.

Is Celiac Disease And Gluten Intolerance The Same Thing?

Although there are similarities between those who suffer from celiac disease and those who have a gluten intolerance, there are key differences between the two.

Gluten intolerances lie on a spectrum from mild to more serious symptoms and reactions, even among those who have celiac disease.

It is possible to have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and some researchers theorize that many people have this condition without knowing.

You can have trouble digesting gluten without being clinically allergic to it, meaning your celiac disease tests are negative and you don’t show specific signs of gluten intolerance.

Naturopathic Treatments For Celiac Disease

If you’re suffering from celiac disease and looking for a natural way to treat your symptoms, there are naturopathic solutions that may bring you necessary relief.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for celiac disease as it is a chronic autoimmune disease, but there are natural ways to mitigate your symptoms.

Gluten free bread image | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

1. Follow A Gluten Free Diet

Eating gluten-free foods is a crucial step towards living and coping with celiac disease.

Not only wheat products contain gluten – wheat, barley, and rye contain proteins comprised of 80% gluten, and other grains may contain hidden gluten.

Many packaged foods may contain gluten, even if it doesn’t seem like they do – be sure to check the ingredient label when purchasing these kinds of products.

This is due to how foods are processed nowadays, which leaves many packaged goods containing trace amounts of gluten.

You can consult with a naturopath to ensure which foods are entirely gluten-free and safe for you to consume.

These days, there are multitudes of nutritious (and often delicious) gluten-free options to choose from.

2. Deal With Nutrient Deficiencies

The unfortunate consequence of malabsorption is that your body lacks important nutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, and various vitamins.

These vitamins and minerals just don’t get absorbed properly by your gut, which makes nutrient deficiencies a common issue for those dealing with celiac disease.

After getting tested for suspected deficiencies, we can help you find which dietary supplements will help restore your nutrients to their proper levels.

Many packaged wheat products are enriched with various nutrients, while gluten-free products are often not.

Supplements and nutrient-dense foods are very important to include in your diet and lifestyle.

3. Check For Other Damage To Your Skin, Bones, or Digestive System

Many different parts of your body can suffer from celiac disease, from your bones to your skin.

Tests such as a bone density can be performed to ensure you are not experiencing bone loss or joint issues such as inflammation.

Skin rashes can be an uncomfortable symptom to deal with, so getting your skin tested for potential disorders such as dermatitis herpetiformis can help you find relief.

There are also tests that can be done to ensure your digestive system isn’t suffering more than it should.

Leaky gut syndrome can be painful and cause further damage, and unfortunately it often appears in those with celiac disease.

Thankfully, there are tests that can keep you in the know on what’s going on in your digestive system.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

If you’re living with celiac disease and want better ways to manage your symptoms, you don’t have to suffer in silence.

There are natural remedies that can help improve your gut health and make your body’s reactions to gluten more manageable.

Alternatively, if you’re reading this and suspect you may be dealing with celiac disease, we can help.

Contact us at the Mindful Healing Clinic for a free consultation.

We can look at your individual health concerns and work together on a treatment plan to help your body heal, and get you feeling your best.

Book your free health and wellness session at The Mindful Healing Clinic today.

The post Naturopathic Treatments For Celiac Disease appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B2

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B2 | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Vitamin B2, commonly known as Riboflavin, is an important B vitamin to get, whether through a nutritional supplement or diet.

Many people don’t realize that B2 can provide effective relief from headaches, as well as other conditions, which we will cover below.

What Is Vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2 is one of the primary players in how our bodies break down food such as proteins and fats and also converting carbohydrates.

In other words, it helps us to absorb nutrients and maintains the body’s energy supply.

B2 is a vitamin that is necessary for normal cell growth and function, as a result.

Benefits Of Vitamin B2

There are a surprising number of benefits of vitamin B2, and the good news is that because it’s water soluble, most people are able to pass any excess through their urine.

If you’ve ever noticed a bright-yellow colour in your urine after taking a multivitamin, excess B2 being flushed out of your system may have been the cause.

To help you understand the benefits of increasing your B2 intake, we’ve assembled a list of the most common complaints that it can help improve.

Before we go any further, though, remember that the information included in this article is presented for informational purposes only, and should not be misconstrued as medical advice. It’s always a good idea to speak to a qualified healthcare practitioner, like the Mindful Healing Clinic, before beginning any new supplement regime.

1. May Help Relieve Migraine Headaches

Before all you migraine sufferers get too excited: you can’t just pop a B2 tablet and instantly feel better.

However, high doses of vitamin B2 have been linked with a decrease in migraines, according to this 2004 study by Boehnke et. al.

The study found that vitamin B2 supplementation did nothing to change the intensity and length of migraine headaches, but it was able to cut their frequency in half.

2. May Help With Cataracts

To reduce your risk of cataracts, the best way to ingest additional B2 is through diet, but supplements will also help.

There has been quite a bit of research correlating both sides of the equation: people who have B2 rich diets seem to have a smaller percentage of degenerative eye diseases; people who have a deficiency of B2 apparently show increased risk of eye problems.

Further evidence of the positive effects of B2 on eye health can be presented through the very treatment of developed disorders: one treatment for cataracts involves using eye drops infused with vitamin B2 while undergoing light therapy.

3. May Help With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a common complaint – enough that there was even a study done in order to determine if B vitamins could help during treatment.

Truthfully, it is vitamin B6 that seems to be the most helpful, however, our friend B2 helps to supercharge that B6 effectiveness.

As it turns out, B6 has two different forms, of which pyridoxal 5’-phosphate is the most active; adding B2 to the mix helps B6 convert itself into that amplified form.

Your naturopath should be able to recommend the best dose to you, but keep in mind that it may take up to three months to truly see a noticeable difference.

Vitamin B2 | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Other benefits

Other than its main purposes, as discussed above, there are many sideline benefits to maintaining healthy levels of B2:

• Absorbing and activating iron, folic acid, and vitamins B1, B3 and B6
• Converting tryptophan into niacin
• Fetal development
• Hormone production by the adrenal glands
• Maintaining the eyes, nerves, muscles, and skin healthy
• Maintaining a healthy liver
• Maintaining the mucous membranes in the digestive system

Dietary Sources Of Vitamin B2

There is a long list of sources for vitamin B2, and the best way is to get it through healthy organic food, rather than through supplements.

Just remember that being water soluble, boiling any of these foods can cause a great deal of B2 loss, so you’re best to steam instead, or eat them raw when you can.

• Asparagus, artichokes, avocados, mushrooms, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, spinach, dandelion greens, watercress
• Cayenne, parsley, sage
• Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, or Brussels sprouts
• Currants, fortified cereals
• Eggs, cheese and other dairy products
• Fish, meat, turkey, chicken, beef, kidneys, liver, mollusks and other seafood
• Kelp or seaweed, molasses, almonds
• Lima beans, navy beans, and peas
• Whole-grain breads, enriched breads, and wheat bran

Symptoms Of Vitamin B2 Deficiency

Your doctor will often suspect B2 deficiency simply by looking at you, but it’s best to get blood work done to confirm.

Some of the things your doctor might ask you about include:

• Anemia
• Changes in mood, such as an increase in anxiety or signs of depression
• Fatigue
• Inflamed mouth or tongue
• Mouth or lip sores or cracks
• Nerve damage
• Sluggish metabolism
• Skin inflammation or disorders
• Sore throat
• Swelling of the mucus membranes

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

Whenever you consider taking vitamin supplements, it’s always a good idea to visit a naturopathic doctor to review your levels.

If you feel like you could use relief from any of the above complaints, call us now to book your assessment.

My name is Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, and I’m well known in Streetsville for my naturopathic treatment solutions for a wide variety of ailments, including vitamin deficiency.

If you have questions, or if you’re not sure naturopathy is right for you, I offer a FREE introductory 15-minute session. During that session, you’ll have a chance to ask any questions you have, explain your health concerns, and from there we can talk about some treatment options.

The post Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B2 appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B1

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B1 | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Although the B-vitamins are often grouped together, because they are generally found in the same foods, there are great benefits to each of them individually as well.

Depending on what symptoms you are facing, and what areas you are looking for assistance with, supplementing with specific B-vitamins, rather than a B-complex, may sometimes be beneficial.

Vitamin B1, for example, can be used for relief from painful menstruation and to increase energy in people suffering from hypothyroidism.

Let’s have a deeper look at vitamin B1, and how it may be used.

What Is Vitamin B1?

Vitamin B1, also called Thiamine, is used by the body to help process carbohydrates.

It plays an important role in nerve, muscle, and heart function.

It is water-soluble, so any excess B1 which the body is unable to use will be excreted in the urine, making it very difficult to ever have too much B1 in your system.

Benefits Of Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 has many benefits.

As noted, it plays important roles in metabolism, nerve, and muscle function.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these benefits.

1. Can Correct Metabolic Disorders

Taking thiamine supplements orally can help to correct metabolic disorders.

It has been shown effective for some genetic diseases, such as Leigh’s disease, maple syrup urine disease, among others.

2. May Help With Cataracts

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, which is located behind the iris and pupil.

They are the most common cause of vision loss in people over the age of 40, and thus preventing them is important for overall vision health.

Thiamine deficiency may result in blurred vision due to swelling of the optic nerve.

There have been links to a high thiamine diet and a reduced risk of developing cataracts.

3. May Relieve Painful Menstruation

There is some research to suggest that taking thiamine supplements for 90 days may stop or reduce pain associated with menstruation between 12 and 21 years of age.

4. May Be Deficient in People Suffering From Hypothyroidism

Fatigue associated with thyroid problems may be linked to a Thiamine deficiency in these patients, thus supplementing them with it may improve energy levels.

Vitamin B1 | Mindful Healing | Mississauge Naturopathic Doctor

Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Deficiency

There are a number of undesirable symptoms which can occur when an individual has a vitamin B1 deficiency.

Here we will take a look at some of these symptoms.

1. Irritability

Feeling irritable, agitated, and frustrated is often one of the first symptoms of a thiamine deficiency.

It may begin to show as early as days of becoming deficient, or after a few weeks.

It has been especially linked to infants with beriberi, which is a disease caused by thiamine deficiency.

2. Loss of Appetite

Scientists believe thiamine helps to control the “satiety centre” in the hypothalamus of the brain.

This is what causes the body to feel full, and when there is thiamine deficiency it can cause the body to feel full even when it is not, leading to a loss of appetite.

3. Reduced Reflexes

As previously stated, thiamine plays a role in nerve function.

This damage to the nervous system can cause reduced or absent reflexes of the knee, ankle, and triceps.

As the deficiency progresses, it may affect coordination and ability to walk.

4. Muscle Weakness

There can be many reasons for muscle weakness, and the cause is not always immediately known.

Persistent, long-term muscle weakness may be a symptom of thiamine deficiency.

If you are experiencing unexplained muscle weakness, looking at if you are getting enough thiamine might be something to consider.

5. Nausea And Vomiting

Gastrointestinal symptoms are not as common as the other symptoms of thiamine deficiency, however in some cases nausea and vomiting may result.

The reason for these symptoms is not clearly understood, however it seems to be more common in infants with thiamine deficiency.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

Are you worried about vitamin B1 deficiency?

Are you experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, but can’t pinpoint the cause?

Contact me, Dr. Maria, at the Mindful Healing Clinic to book an appointment today.

If you’ve never been here before, or if you’re new to naturopathic medicine and want to find out more, I offer a FREE 15-minute introductory session.

During that session, you and I will sit down and talk about your health concerns. I’ll answer any questions you may have, and from there we can talk about what your options are.

Some of the above symptoms have been linked with multiple different disorders, so their presence doesn’t necessarily mean you’re deficient in vitamin B1. However, it’s still a good idea to see a professional so you can pinpoint the cause.

Contact us at the Mindful Healing Clinic today.

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