Thursday, July 18, 2019

Vitamin Profile: The Lost B-Vitamins

Vitamin Profile: The Lost B-Vitamins | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

If you’ve been reading along, we’ve been working our way through a study of the various vitamins and how they help keep us healthy and strong.

In this article, we’re going to look at some that were previously considered vitamins but are no longer labeled as such, because they don’t fit the official definition of vitamin.

Even though they are no longer considered ‘vitamins,’ they are still recommended to include amongst your nutritional supplements, as they help your body in various beneficial ways.

First, What Is A Vitamin?

A vitamin is a nutrient that is essential and required for normal human growth.

Also, it must be obtained through one’s diet, as it cannot be manufactured by the human body itself.

If it doesn’t meet these two requirements, it doesn’t count as a vitamin. That doesn’t mean it isn’t good for you, though – there are plenty of non-vitamins with tremendous health benefits.

The Lost B-Vitamins

If you look at the last several articles we wrote on the subject, you’ll see material on vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12.

So what about the rest of them?

Basically the vitamins previously referred to as part of the B-complex that we don’t talk about anymore are the gaps you see in the list above, as well as some that go beyond B12.

Here’s how the rest of them stack up:

Vitamin B4 – Adenine

Adenine plays a crucial role in protein synthesis, and is well-known for speeding energy production.

Adenine is also an important component of both DNA and RNA, nucleic acids that contain and provide our genetic thumbprint.

Vitamin B4 helps our immune system and promotes healthy cell and tissue formation.

You can find vitamin B4 in whole grains, cereals and breads, as well as honey by-products such as propolis and bee pollen, and in raw honey itself.

Vitamin B8 – Inositol

Inositol supports the healthy functioning of cells, and improves some psychological disorders (such as depression, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder) as well as polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Inositol, a form of glucose, helps our liver to process fat, while also keeping our muscles and nerves in optimal condition.

Your body can produce vitamin B8 all on its own – which is why it’s no longer considered a vitamin – but you can also find it in whole grains, nuts, and legumes.

Vitamin B10 – Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA)

Vitamin B10 – formerly known as vitamin R – is what helps your body grow microorganisms and guard against free radicals from air pollution or the sun’s ultraviolet rays. That’s why you might recognize the name – it’s in a lot of sunscreens.

As it is microorganism-friendly, it’s helpful as a treatment for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), gastrointestinal distress, and other inflammatory reactions.

It also boosts our cells in optimal utilization of protein, due to its role as a coenzyme, and helps metabolize that protein and produce red blood cells more efficiently.

You can find PABA in green leafy veggies, molasses, mushrooms, eggs and wheat germ.

foods that are high in B vitamins | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Vitamin B11 – Salicylic Acid

Salicylic Acid is an important ‘beta-hydroxy’ that is synthesized by the amino acid phenylalanine.

It is essential to the formation and growth of body tissues, DNA and RNA, fetal brains and spinal cords, as well as being helpful for acne, psoriasis, corns, calluses and other skin irritations.

You can consume vitamin B11 through egg yolks, organ meats, potatoes, and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B13 – Orotic Acid

Orotic acid – also known as vitamin B13 – is necessary for the biosynthesis of nucleic acids and the regenerative processes in cells.

Vitamin B13 is also useful in the treatment of MS, and other degenerative diseases.

Orotic acid can be found in milk, especially buttermilk and sour cream.

Vitamin B15 – Pangamic Acid

The issue with using vitamin B15 to treat conditions is that it hasn’t been proven to truly be effective.

These uses included: improving exercise endurance, asthma, eczema, lung conditions, fatigue, nerve and joint problems, and alcoholism.

However, pangamic acid is generally now considered unsafe and possibly carcinogenic; by all means it should be avoided entirely by pregnant and breastfeeding women, or people with kidney conditions.

Vitamin B16 – Dimethylglycine (DMG)

Considered a dietary supplement, vitamin B16 has been observed to combat free radicals, acting as an antioxidant and detoxifying agent.

Some studies have linked it to improving cognitive functions in children with autism, especially in speech, in eye contact improvements and in increased attention span.

Vitamin B17 – Laetrile

Laetrile has been useful in controlling and lowering both aspects of blood pressure: diastolic AND systolic.

As well, it might be able to help relieve the pain caused by inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis.

Finally, it may boost immunity, and improve the ability of immune cells to adhere to cancer cells.

Vitamin B18 – Choline

Choline is required in order to metabolize fat and cholesterol, and also detoxifies the system. It also plays a critical part in the structural integrity of your cells’ membranes.

Choline is manufactured by your liver, but can also be obtained from soybeans, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, egg yolks, organ meats, flax seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, lentils, oats and cauliflower.

Vitamin B20 – Carnitine

Vitamin B20 – or L-carnitine – is known as a fat burner, which is why it’s not uncommon to find it in fitness supplements; however, it doesn’t actually lead to weight loss.

It’s also a supporting supplement for brain function, disease prevention and overall health.

Supplements are sometimes recommended for older adults, vegans or vegetarians.

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

If you feel like you’ve been missing out on one of our lost vitamins, we encourage you to contact the Mindful Healing Clinic to make an appointment to discuss your concerns.

It’s possible that although these aren’t traditional ‘vitamins’ any longer, your body may benefit from supplementing with one or more of them.

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B12

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B12 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Making sure you get enough vitamins can be confusing at times.

There’s so many different types of vitamins, and then when you get to the “B” vitamins there’s even more variety.

For the last few months, we’ve been looking at the B complex of vitamins. The last one was on the benefits of vitamin B9, but today we’ve reached the end of the road.

It’s time to take a closer look at the last B vitamin in the list, vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin which can occur in some foods, but also may be taken as a supplement or sometimes even prescribed by a doctor, however it cannot be produced by the body.

It has a number of functions related to forming red blood cells, neurological functions, and synthesizing DNA.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of B12.

Benefits Of Vitamin B12

The list of benefits of vitamin B12 is impressive. The ones we’ll look at today are supported by science, and can have huge impacts on your life if you’re deficient in B12.

1. Helps Your Body Absorb Iron

Vitamin B12 can help facilitate the body’s absorption of iron.

Iron is critical for healthy growth, and deficiency of it results in anemia.

In infants, iron deficiency can result in premature birth, low birth weight and delayed development.

Iron deficiency has also been linked to low IQ and poor performance at school and work.

2. Supports Bone Health

A study of over 2,500 adults showed those with a vitamin B12 deficiency were also more likely to have a lower than normal bone mineral density.

Low bone mineral density can result in bones becoming delicate and fragile over time, and an increased risk of osteoporosis.

3. Can Help Fight Depression

A study from 2000 in the American Journal of Psychiatry showed a link between low B12 levels in depressed subjects.

Those with a vitamin B12 deficiency were 2.05 times more likely to be severely depressed than those with normal levels of B12.

4. Contributes To Red Blood Cell Formation

Vitamin B12 is critical for helping your body produce red blood cells.

Low B12 levels can result in reduced red blood cell production, and the ones which do develop may not develop properly.

When there is a B12 deficiency, red blood cells can become larger than normal, and oval in shape, instead of round.

This causes them to be unable to enter your bloodstream, which means you won’t have enough red blood cells to transport oxygen to your organs.

5. Helps Prevent Neural Tube Defects During Pregnancy

A 2009 article in the journal Pediatrics showed mothers of children with neural tube defects were more likely to have low B12 levels.

Those with concentrations of 250 ng/L or less were at the highest risk for these complications.

It is recommended that prospective mothers have vitamin B12 levels of at least 300 ng/L before becoming pregnant.

6. May Slow Cognitive Decline

In 2016, a study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease showed that in people with mild cognitive impairment, treatment with B vitamins lowered the rate of clinical decline.

B12 may play a role in preventing brain atrophy and neuron loss, which are causes of dementia.

Other Benefits

Other benefits of vitamin B12 include:

● A reduced risk of macular degeneration, which is a disease affecting vision
● Improvement of mood and lessening symptoms of depression
● Increased energy levels
● Improved heart health
● Healthier hair, skin, and nails

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

How would you know if you are deficient in vitamin B12?

Possible signs you’re lacking in this vitamin include:

● Fatigue
● Paleness
● Nausea
● Loss of appetite
● Weakness
● Weight loss

You may also experience neurological symptoms such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, difficulty maintaining balance, confusion, depression, and memory loss.

In infants a B12 deficiency can mean developmental delays and failure to thrive.

foods high in vitamin B12 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Dietary Sources Of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found in animal products such as:

● Fish
● Meat
● Poultry
● Eggs
● Milk and milk products

It is generally not found in plant-based foods, however, fortified foods such as breakfast cereals and milk alternatives are available for vegetarians.

It can also be found in some nutritional yeast products.

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

Are you concerned about your levels of vitamin B12, or any other vitamin?

The Mindful Healing Clinic is here to help.

Contact us now to book a consultation – we will check your vitamin levels and work with you to devise a treatment plan to ensure your vitamin levels are maintained at optimal levels.

The post Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B12 appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B9

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B9 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

A..B..C..D… Sometimes knowing all of the different vitamins can seem like alphabet soup.

And when you get to the B vitamins, there’s even more variety – B1, B2, B3 and so on.

So what does it all mean?

What do these various vitamins do for us, and what are the consequences if you don’t get enough?

This is the seventh article in our ongoing series on the B-complex of vitamins. Last time, we looked at Vitamin B7.

In this article we will attempt to demystify vitamin B9, also known as folate or folic acid.

What About Vitamin B8?

What comes before B9? B8 obviously. So why did we skip vitamin B8 in this series?

Vitamin B8, now known as inositol, is actually not a vitamin at all, but a sugar which serves a number of functions.

Inositol, which can be found in fruits, beans, grains, and nuts, is a component of cell membranes.

It also influences insulin, as well as chemical messengers in the brain such as serotonin and dopamine.

The reason why it isn’t considered a vitamin is because your body can synthesize it itself. So, there’s a little about vitamin B8, but you came here for information on vitamin B9, right?

Keep reading for the beeline on B9.

Benefits Of Vitamin B9

There are many important roles which vitamin B9 plays in the body.

From the development of red blood cells and synthesis of DNA, to nervous system function and preventing birth defects in unborn babies, it is truly vital.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of vitamin B9 to the body.

Helps Create Red Blood Cells

Vitamin B9 works together with vitamin B12 and iron in order to form red blood cells. Because of this, low levels of this vitamin can lead to anemia.

Without enough vitamin B9, a person can develop a disorder called megaloblastic anemia.

In this condition, an individual does not have enough blood cells, and the red blood cells they do have are too large.

Reduces Cancer Risk

A 1997 study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA showed a link between low levels of folate and increased risk of cancer.

Folate is used in the formation of nucleic acids, and the repair and synthesis of DNA molecules.

Low folate can contribute to abnormalities in the development of DNA, which may eventually result in cancerous cell growth.

Prevents Birth Defects

Many people associate folate or folic acid with pregnancy vitamins, and for good reason.

Its best-known use is for preventing birth defects and assisting with spinal development of an unborn baby.

Any person expecting a baby should be sure to get enough B9 in order to avoid serious defects in their baby.

Prevents Premature Aging

Regular consumption of folic acid has been shown to delay signs of aging.

Not only has it been shown to ward off wrinkles, it prevents production of stress hormones and promotes absorption of nutrients.

May Help Fight Depression

A 2005 study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found depressive patients to be low in folate as well as vitamin B12. and suggests that supplementation with both of these can improve the outcome for these patients.

This is likely due to the role folate plays in the production of serotonin and dopamine, which both have effects on mood – depression and anxiety are due to an imbalance of these neurotransmitters.

Many doctors prescribe vitamin B9 for patients with depression and anxiety.

foods high in vitamin B9 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Folic Acid Vs. Folate – What’s The Difference?

Both folic acid and folate are forms of vitamin B9.

Although these two names are often used interchangeably, they have different effects on your body and health, so it is important to understand the difference.

Folate is the naturally occurring form of vitamin B9 and is important to cell growth and the formation of DNA. Low levels of folate are linked to birth defects and an increased risk of cancer.

Folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9. In this form, it takes longer for the body to metabolize the vitamin, which can lead to health issues associated with high levels of unmetabolized folic acid.

Vitamin B9 Deficiency

The following symptoms are indicators that you may be deficient in vitamin B9:

● Fatigue
● Ulcers in the mouth, and sore tongue
● A “tingling” or “pins and needle” feeling
● Changes in mood
● Weakness
● Memory issues

If you are experiencing these symptoms and aren’t sure of the cause, consider it may be due to a lack of vitamin B9 – keep reading to learn how to fix this with your diet.

Dietary Sources Of Vitamin B9

Eating a diet rich in vitamin B9 is important.

It can be found in many vegetables including:

● Leafy greens such as kale and spinach
● Broccoli, beans, peas and oranges
● Some meat products, including beef, liver, pork, chicken, and shellfish
● Yeast
● Breakfast cereals which have been fortified.

It should be noted, because this is a water-soluble vitamin, boiling these veggies can cause a loss of vitamin – steaming is a better option.

Contact the Mindful Healing Clinic

Are you worried you may be deficient in vitamin B9 or any other vitamin?

Do you show the symptoms listed in this article, or worry that you are not getting enough of this important vitamin in your diet?

Contact the Mindful Healing clinic for a consultation today and let us help you get back-on-track.

The post Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B9 appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B7

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B7 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Vitamin B7 goes by a few other names, such as biotin and vitamin H.

This vitamin is famous for what it can do for your hair and skin, which is why so many cosmetics and beauty products contain this ingredient.

As you will read in this article, though, biotin must be consumed daily to be effective, it cannot be manufactured by the body, and it also can’t be absorbed through the hair or skin.

Last time in this series, we talked about vitamin B6. Now, let’s talk about Vitamin B7.

What Is Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7 is a coenzyme that helps your body to process glucose as well as metabolize fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Your body requires vitamin B7 to convert these macronutrients, and to use them to keep your body and brain working optimally.

Vitamin B7 Deficiency

Vitamin B7 is one of those vitamins that the human body can’t make itself – so you must get your daily recommended dose through the food you consume.

Your body also cannot store reserves of vitamin B7, due to its water-solubility; despite this fact, biotin deficiency is not a common occurrence.

However, drug interactions could cause deficiency; common symptoms include seizures, ataxia, dermatitis and hair loss.

As well, risk factors for a vitamin B7 deficiency include:
• Pregnancy
• Smoking
• Excessive alcohol use
• Large amounts of raw egg whites
• Disorders such as Crohn’s disease, celiac or leaky gut syndrome

Benefits Of Vitamin B7

There are many benefits associated with vitamin B7, five of which we’ll cover below.

Other than these, the most famous benefit of vitamin B7 is how good it is for your skin – helping protect against acne, rashes, severe dryness, cracking, and even fungal infections.

1. Plays A Role In Managing Diabetes

Vitamin B7 helps create insulin, an important hormone needed to balance blood sugar levels.

When combined with chromium, vitamin B7 has been shown to help lower blood sugar in people with diabetes.

By better controlling the insulin response, it reduces the fluctuations which can lead to pre-diabetes, type-2 diabetes, weight gain, and other forms of metabolic syndrome.

types of food that cause food allergies and intolerances | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

2. Nail And Hair Strength

If you find your nails are brittle and frequently crack, it could be a sign of a vitamin B7 deficiency.

However, a very high dose over time will treat brittle nails and make them stronger and even shinier.

Some people swear by their biotin in helping their hair grow faster and more luxuriously, but vitamin B7 must be ingested through your diet to be truly helpful in helping improve issues such as weak hair.

3. Supports Endocrine Function

The endocrine system produces and secretes hormones that help regulate the body’s growth, metabolism and sexual functions.

Vitamin B7 has a role in this because it is critical in the process that converts food to the energy your body uses – in other words, your metabolism.

As well, it helps defend your thyroid against adrenal fatigue – master glands that are responsible for helping you protect against overall fatigue, weight gain, sleeping issues, and mood imbalances.

4. Aids Brain Function

B vitamins in general are known to help memory and help protect against age-related cognitive impairment, and B7 is no different.

Specifically, vitamin B7 improves neurotransmitter activity and nerve signaling.

Another benefit of B vitamins is that they can improve your mood and increase concentration because they help synthesize hormones that assist in mood regulation

5. Helps Rebuild Tissue

Vitamin B7, along with other B vitamins, is a key part of the process that can repair and help rebuild strength in tissue or muscle that has broken down.

One of the reasons it’s important for pregnant women to ensure their levels are adequate is because vitamin B7 deficiency in fetuses or infants can lead to stunted growth or improper development.

Common Sources Of Vitamin B7

Luckily, vitamin B7 is found in quite a wide variety of food, so if you eat a varied diet, you’ll likely never worry about a deficiency.

To try to increase your intake, focus on foods such as
• Eggs
• Avocados
• Cauliflower
• Mushrooms
• Legumes
• Berries
• Bananas
• Cheese
• Fish
• Organ meats

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

Sometimes we discover that an unexpected combination of issues can stem from one single vitamin deficiency, rather than from different sources.

If you’ve read this article and realized that your complaints all fall in the list above, then perhaps you should consider having your vitamin B7 levels checked.

Call now and book a consultation with The Mindful Healing Clinic and we’ll help you get and keep your vitamin levels optimal, whether through diet or supplements.

The post Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B7 appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Difference Between A Food Allergy Vs. Intolerance Part 2: Food Intolerance

The Difference Between A Food Allergy Vs. Intolerance Part 2: Food Intolerance | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

In our last article, we took a look at food allergies, what they are and what causes them.

Today we will have a closer look at food intolerances, the annoying cousin of food allergies.

Although they are often mistaken for each other, they have some important differences.

A naturopathic doctor can help you manage your food intolerance symptoms.

What Is A Food Intolerance?

Food intolerances are difficulties with digesting certain foods which do not trigger a response of the immune system.

This means although there may be symptoms such as digestive issues, there is no histamine released by the body in these cases.

Causes of food intolerance include:

● The absence of an enzyme required for proper digestion
● Chemical causes – certain chemicals in food and drink can lead to food intolerances, including chemicals in some cheeses, as well as caffeine.
● Naturally occurring toxins in foods such as undercooked beans
● Histamine which occurs naturally in some foods
● Salicylates, occuring naturally in plants

What’s The Difference Between A Food Allergy Vs. Food Intolerance?

The difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance is all in how the body responds to the food trigger.

Allergies elicit an immune response, causing the release of histamine which is what causes symptoms which we associate with allergies, such as coughing, hives, and wheezing.

Food intolerances often are often confused with food allergies – an intolerance is the response of the digestive system to certain foods.

For example, lactose intolerance, which results in uncomfortable symptoms when one drinks cow’s milk is due to an inability of the body to digest lactose. However, no histamines are released.

Common Symptoms Of Food Intolerance

Many of the symptoms of food Intolerance overlap with those of food allergies, such as:

● Bloating
● Migraines and headaches
● Cold symptoms such as a cough or runny nose
● Digestive issues such as a stomach ache or irritable bowel
● Hives

For this reason, it is not uncommon for food intolerances to be confused with food allergies.

Common Food Intolerance Triggers

Many of the same foods which cause food allergies can be triggers for food Intolerance.

These include:

● Lactose
● Wheat and gluten
● Caffeine
● Artificial sweeteners, colours, and flavours

Naturopathic Treatments For Food Intolerance

There are a number of ways in which food allergies and intolerances can be treated using natural means.

Let’s have a look at some of these now.

Avoid Your Intolerance Triggers

If you have identified that you have an issue with eating or digesting a particular food, the best thing to do is to avoid it altogether.

Consuming foods which trigger an adverse response in your body only puts stress on your system and does not give you time to heal properly.

Avoidance of trigger foods gives your body the opportunity to calm down and begin to heal itself from the damage that has been done.

Sometimes this is easier said than done. If you’re lactose intolerant, for example, you’ll find dairy in places you wouldn’t expect, including most baked goods and packaged foods.

Address Any Gastrointestinal Issues

If you have been experiencing gastrointestinal issues, there are supplements which can help to address them.

Digestive enzymes which aid the digestive system in breaking down particles may be taken to help your body fully break down food particles.

Probiotic supplements can help the immune system deal with food, and MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) supplements can help to improve immune function and decrease inflammation.

Vitamin B5 is a vitamin which can help to maintain the health of the digestive tract, and L-glutamine can help repair leaky gut.

Eat A Gut-Healing Diet

There are many foods which can help to nourish and heal gut health issues.

Prebiotic foods such as kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut can help restore balance in the gut.

Polysaccharides are foods which can help to rebuild your gut flora, and include “slimy” foods such as onions, okra, eggplant, and aloe gel.

You can also take probiotic supplements, but these should be done only under the direction of a naturopathic doctor.

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

Are you concerned with the toll food intolerances are having on your body?

Do you need help identifying your food triggers, or managing the ones you already know about?

The Mindful Healing Clinic can help – contact us today to set up a consultation.

The post The Difference Between A Food Allergy Vs. Intolerance Part 2: Food Intolerance appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Difference Between A Food Allergy Vs. Intolerance Part 1: Food Allergies

The Difference Between A Food Allergy Vs. Intolerance Part 1: Food Allergies | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

“Oh, I can’t eat that”

“I have a gluten sensitivity”

“I’m allergic to dairy”

These are all phrases you have probably heard at some point or another – maybe you’ve even used them yourself.

But what does it all mean? An allergy, vs an intolerance.

At our Streetsville naturopathic clinic, we can help you sort out the differences between food allergies and intolerances, and look at what you can do about it if you have one.

What Is A Food Allergy?

Food allergies trigger an immune system response, which can have effects on many different organs.

In the most severe cases, food allergies can have life threatening results, and even a tiny amount of the food can trigger symptoms.

With an intolerance, on the other hand, symptoms are less severe, and you may even be able to eat small amounts of foods you are intolerant to, with minimal consequences.

Although food allergies and intolerances are often confused, allergies are far more serious.

Food Allergy Symptoms

An allergic reaction may show responses such as:

● Itchiness or tingling in or around the mouth
● Hives
● Swollen lips, face, tongue, or throat
● Difficulty breathing
● Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
● Lightheadedness and fainting

The most severe food allergies can result in an anaphylactic response.

This is a life-threatening response, which causes swelling in the throat and a constriction of the airways, which makes breathing difficult or impossible.

Other symptoms of anaphylaxis include:

● Shock
● Severe drop in blood pressure
● Rapid pulse
● Loss of consciousness

If you suspect someone is suffering from anaphylactic shock, emergency medical intervention is critical – call 9-1-1 immediately.

People with serious known allergies may also carry an EpiPen- this provides a shot of epinephrine, which can temporarily help open airways. Check them for an EpiPen, or ask somebody with them if they know where it is.

Common Food Allergens

Although allergies can develop to literally anything, there are certain foods which seem to be more commonly the cause of allergic reactions.

Some common food allergens include:

● Fish, including shellfish
● Peanuts and tree nuts
● Eggs
● Wheat
● Soy
● Cow’s milk

What Causes Food Allergies?

Food allergies occur because your immune system mistakes specific foods or substances as being harmful.

This causes the immune system to respond by releasing the antibody immunoglobulin E (IgE) in an attempt to neutralize the substance it deems harmful.

On subsequent exposures to the offending food or substance, IgE antibodies send signals to your immune system to release histamine into your bloodstream, which causes allergy symptoms.

Naturopathic Treatments For Food Allergies

There are a number of ways to treat food allergies naturally.

These treatments and supplements can help to boost the immune system, enhance the gut microbiome and reduce the development of food allergies and symptoms.

Again, we should note if someone is experiencing anaphylactic shock, emergency medical intervention is required, and use of an EpiPen if available.

With that in mind, let’s look at some natural ways to deal with food allergies.

Avoid Your Allergens

This one is probably obvious, however depending on what your allergies are, may be easier said than done.

An allergy to eggs, for example, is more complicated than simply opting for pancakes instead of an eggs benedict. Eggs are an ingredient in many of the foods we eat on a day-to-day basis, so it’s important to be vigilant.

Avoid Other Common Allergens

Although you may not be allergic to everything, avoiding other common allergens can be a smart order if you already have issues with allergies.

Foods such as gluten, eggs, cow’s milk, soy, wheat, and peanuts can increase inflammation, weaken the immune system, and cause digestive issues.

Eat More Leafy Greens

While some of the foods listed above are more likely to cause allergic reactions, on the other end of the spectrum are foods which are very unlikely to cause a reaction, and can actually help to boost your immune system.

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, collard greens, and arugula are among these.

These veggies are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Keeping these foods as a regular part of your diet will help to boost your immune system and can help to increase antibody response.

Eat More Probiotics

Probiotics are great for supporting the immune system and can help to repair damage to the intestinal lining.

Fermented foods such as kefir, kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut may help to reduce your sensitivity to triggers which lead to allergy symptoms.

Try An Elimination Diet

A 2013 study in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice showed that an elimination diet can help to treat eczema; however, when restricting food it is important to be aware of nutrients.

Elimination diets involve removing possible allergens from your diet, and then gradually re-introducing them over a period of time, to determine which ones are the cause of your allergies.

They will typically last for three to six weeks, to give your body a chance to clear itself of the antibodies which react negatively to food, and to allow your body to heal.

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

Do you suspect you have food allergies, and want to know for sure?

Or do you know you have allergies and need help managing them?

Contact the Mindful Healing Clinic today, and we will help to create a plan to manage your allergies.

If you have reactions to certain foods, but suspect they are not full-blown allergies, keep your eyes on this space, when we will talk about food intolerances.

The post The Difference Between A Food Allergy Vs. Intolerance Part 1: Food Allergies appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Top 5 Illnesses All But Eradicated By Nutrition

Top 5 Illnesses All But Eradicated By Nutrition | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Getting proper nutrition is a very important part of living a full and healthy lifestyle.

Living in Canada, diseases brought-on by malnutrition are not something we need to think about too much; there was a time where a lack of understanding as to how these illnesses developed meant they were far more prevalent than we realized.

So while nowadays there are probably still some stress-relieving nutrients which some of us might not get enough of, let’s learn about some of the illnesses which have been nearly eradicated due to proper nutrition.

There’s Still Work To Do

Let’s be clear, although we generally don’t need to worry about these illnesses in Canada or the US, they are still common in the developing world, where there is a lack of access to clean water and proper nutrition.

Also, there is still a risk for young babies to develop some of these ailments, so ensuring all food and formula has a proper balance of nutrients is important.

Keep reading to learn more about illnesses that can be greatly impacted by your nutrition.

1. Rickets

Caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphates, rickets results in soft bones, and stunted growth.

Vitamin D plays an important role in helping your body absorb calcium from the intestines.

When you don’t get enough vitamin D and the body cannot maintain sufficient calcium levels, hormones are produced which cause calcium to be released from your bones, causing them to become weak and soft.

Risk factors for developing rickets include:

● Age: It is more common in children between six months and three years of age.
● Diet: Those who do not eat fish, eggs, or milk are at higher risk.
● Skin colour: darker skin produces less vitamin D.
● Location: Those who live in areas which don’t get a lot of sunlight are at higher risk.
● Genetics: Hereditary rickets prevents kidneys from absorbing phosphates.

Some symptoms of rickets include:

● Pain in the arms, legs, pelvis, or spine
● Stunted growth
● Muscle cramps
● Skeletal deformities
● Teeth deformities

If you have a child who you suspect is showing signs of rickets, early medical intervention is important for preventing long-term effects and deformities.

Rickets is diagnosed via a blood test and X-rays to check for deformities.

Treatment for rickets is focused on replenishing missing nutrients, such as vitamin D through diet and exposure to sunlight.

2. Scurvy

Scurvy results from a deficiency of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is important to a large number of bodily processes, including:

● Absorption of iron
● Healing wounds,
● Formation of collagen, which gives connective tissues stability
● Metabolizing protein and cholesterol
● Producing neurotransmitters

Symptoms of scurvy can begin to show up after four weeks of continual vitamin C deficiency.

Early Warning signs include:

● Feelings of exhaustion
● Weakness
● Low appetite
● Fever
● Irritability

Left untreated, scurvy may result in the following:

● Anemia (a condition where the blood lacks enough red blood cells to carry oxygen)
● Soft, tender gums and tooth decay
● Bruising
● Swollen joints
● Light sensitivity and blurred vision
● Headaches

The body cannot produce vitamin C naturally, it must be consumed through food or drink, or taking a supplement.

Although not generally a problem for us in North America, people in some developing countries who lack access to fresh fruits and vegetables can be at risk.

nutrition for prevention of diseases | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

3. Beriberi

Caused by a deficiency in vitamin B1, there are two types of beriberi – wet (which affects the heart and circulatory system), and dry (which damages nerves).

Although rare, this disease can be found in those with an alcohol use disorder, women who experience extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, people who have AIDS, and after bariatric surgery.

Symptoms include:

Wet beriberi

● Shortness of breath during exercise, or upon waking up
● Rapid heart rate
● Swollen legs

Dry beriberi

● Lowered muscle function in the lower legs
● Tingling and loss of feeling in the feet and hands
● Pain
● Confusion
● Vomiting
● Paralysis

Beriberi is caused by a deficiency in thiamine, and is rare in regions with vitamin-enriched foods.

Diagnosis is done through blood and urine tests which measure levels of thiamine in the body.

A neurological exam can test for loss of coordination and weak reflexes.

Treatment will generally involve thiamine supplements, via a shot or pill – in severe cases it may be administered via an IV.

4. Pellagra

Pellagra is caused by a deficiency of niacin, or vitamin B3.

Key symptoms, known as the “three Ds” are dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis.

This illness is most common in countries which rely on corn as a primary source of food.

Corn contains a form of niacin that is not digestible by humans, called niacytin.

Other factors which may prevent someone from absorbing niacin include:

● Alcoholism
● Eating disorders
● Crohn’s disease and other gastrointestinal issues
● Some medications
● Cirrhosis of the liver

There is no specific test used to diagnose niacin deficiency because it has a range of symptoms – a doctor will generally test for symptoms related to the “three Ds” as well as looking at how the patient responds to niacin supplements.

5. Xerophthalmia

Xerophthalmia is an eye disease caused by a lack of vitamin A.

This can cause dryness, and potentially develop into night blindness or result in corneal damage if left untreated.

As xerophthalmia progresses, lesions form on the cornea, and corneal ulcers may appear.

The body does not produce vitamin A on its own – it must be obtained through diet or supplements.

Some dietary sources of vitamin A include:

● Poultry
● Fish liver
● Meat and eggs
● Green, leafy vegetables
● Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables

It should be noted that it is less efficient to get vitamin A from vegetables than from meat and animal products, as it needs to be converted from beta carotene.

Xerophthalmia is diagnosed by a physical examination and blood tests – a person experiencing night blindness may start vitamin A therapy before the results of the blood tests are known.

Contact The Mindful Healing Clinic

Are you worried about getting the right nutrients?

Perhaps you have a condition which limits how your body absorbs nutrients.

Or maybe you have dietary restrictions which make it difficult to get all the nutrients you need in your diet.

For this and other health concerns, the Mindful Healing Clinic can help.

Contact us today to book a consultation with Dr. Maria.

The post Top 5 Illnesses All But Eradicated By Nutrition appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B6

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B6 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

In my continuing review of the B vitamins and why they’re important for your health, I’ve put together some insights about B6, next.

This is the fifth in this series. If you’re wondering why it isn’t the sixth in the series – it’s because vitamin B4 doesn’t actually exist. To find out why that is, see our article on vitamin B5.

Back to vitamin B6, though; to learn more, keep reading below.

What Is Vitamin B6?

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is one of eight B vitamins that help to produce red blood cells, metabolize fats and proteins, maintain good nerve function, and perhaps most importantly, it helps the body convert food into fuel.

It is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning it’s quite safe to take as a supplement, and many people do, in order to boost both their mood and immunity.

Benefits Of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is very collaborative, working with many other vitamins and minerals to improve overall health; read on to learn some of the specific benefits you can rely on it for.

1. May Reduce Risk Of Cancer

There have been several studies that have explored how vitamin B6 is effective as an anti-tumour or anti-toxicity agent.

Vitamin B6 intake through a combination of diet and supplementation seems to also significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer.

Lastly, it seems to be particularly helpful in averting gastrointestinal tumors, as well as possibly being an indicator for other protective dietary micronutrients.

2. Helps Keep Your Blood Vessels Healthy

Vitamin B6 is used by the body to regulate homocysteine levels in the blood, which have been linked to inflammation and heart disease, contributors to cardio-pulmonary issues.

When you don’t have enough B6 in your body, homocysteine will build up and damage the lining of your blood vessels, encouraging plaque buildup that can be dangerous and that can lead to increased risk of stroke or heart attack.

3. Helps Alleviate Symptoms Of Autism

Vitamin B6 has been studied to learn why it’s so effective for alleviating symptoms of autism, although they suspect it is because B6 is crucial for the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

Autistic patients have brains with impaired neurotransmitter systems, and this is part of what causes the symptoms they experience.

When vitamin B6 is used as a treatment, almost half of autistic individuals experience an improvement in their behavioural problems, suggesting that B6 supplementation helps enhance their neurotransmitters.

4. Supports Cognitive Functions

The B vitamins as a whole are renowned for improving a wide array of cognitive functions, including mood, response to anxiety and stress, focus, memory and energy.

It helps by repairing the neurotransmitter system in your brain, while also boosting the production of happy hormones such as serotonin and norepinephrine.

5. Can Be An Effective Treatment For Anemia

Vitamin B6 helps create hemoglobin in the blood, which your red blood cells transport throughout your body to bring oxygen to all your tissues and cells.

When you are anemic, it’s because your body doesn’t make enough hemoglobin and red blood cells are not functioning properly; it can cause fatigue, weakness, aches and pains.Microcytic anemia could be caused directly by a vitamin B6 deficiency.

However, by increasing the foods rich in B vitamins, and by supplementing as needed, you can help give your body what it requires to produce more red blood cells, delaying or lessening the effects of anemia.

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B6 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Other benefits

Vitamin B6 can also reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, including severe pain, by suppressing inflammation and swelling.

As well, it is believed to help prevent the onset of certain eye diseases such as macular degeneration.

Women know vitamin B6 to be particularly helpful in reducing the severity of morning sickness during pregnancy, and others use it to help alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Dietary Sources Of Vitamin B6

You can find B6 in many food sources, but some of the best include:

• Bananas
• Chickpeas
• Poultry
• Fish
• Potatoes

If you find that you need to supplement further, B6 is available in capsule and tablet form, and is often taken as a B-complex supplement.

Symptoms Of Vitamin B6 Deficiency

It’s most often people whose small intestines don’t properly absorb nutrients that experience vitamin B6 deficiency, though kidney disease, genetic diseases or certain epilepsy medications can also be a factor.

Those with vitamin B6 deficiency will often be deficient in other B vitamins, such as B9 and B12.

Symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency include anemia, confusion, depression and a weak immune system.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

If one of the above conditions have cropped up in your medical history, or if you are affected by them currently, consider supplementing your treatment with naturopathy for fullest effect and best prognosis.

Call now to set up a consultation with me, Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, so we can discuss your challenges and the best way to combat them.

I can recommend a course of treatment for you and help you reach your health goals with a plan that leverages the body’s improved functioning to achieve the desired results.

The post Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B6 appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Health Benefits Of Ginkgo Biloba

Health Benefits Of Ginkgo Biloba | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

The ginkgo biloba tree, also known as maidenhair tree, is very recognizable for its fan-shaped leaves.

It has properties that I often use during my work with herbal and nutritional counselling in Mississauga.

As naturopathic doctors, we rely on the world around us to supply us with the medicines to heal our bodies, and ginkgo is an excellent example of that – for more information, read below.

What Is Ginkgo Biloba?

Gingko biloba is a plant that has been renowned for its medicinal properties for thousands of years.

The tree has unusually-shaped leaves, and produces a fruit in the fall that can be eaten for its nutritional value as well as used for its healing properties.

However, if you have a ginkgo biloba tree on your property, you may notice how awful the fruit smells as it’s rotting. That’s because it emits butyric acid as it rots, the same chemical that gives rancid butter its horrible smell. Some people describe the smell as similar to vomit.

Different parts of the tree are used in different treatment applications, some of which I prescribe to patients in my practice. And fortunately, the rest of it doesn’t smell anywhere near as bad.

Where To Find Ginkgo Biloba?

You can find ginkgo trees all over the GTA, though it’s actually native to China; it has been planted in cities all around the world because of its heartiness and tolerance to the pollution found in cities, and because it helps produce clean air for residents.

If you’re walking around Toronto Island, Trinity Bellwoods, or High Park, keep a keen eye out, and you might spot one of these trees.

Health Benefits Of Ginkgo Biloba

There are several potential benefits of ginkgo biloba, including more than just its well-known improvement of cognitive function:

1. May Reduce Inflammation

Excitingly, test results show that gingko extract reduces inflammation markers for humans who are in a variety of disease states such as arthritis, IBD, stroke, heart disease and cancer.

While further testing is required to substantiate these results, it’s excellent news for people who have any kind of chronic disease that triggers an inflammatory response.

Inflammation is usually the body’s natural response to injury or invasion, in which the immune system is activated to handle the situation.

The problem is, over time, excessive inflammation can cause permanent damage to your DNA or bodily tissues.

2. May Reduce Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s

While ginkgo biloba is known for its work in stimulating memory, scientists hoping to use it for cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s were curious as to how effective it was and whether there was any danger to its medicinal use for this purpose.

They reviewed 21 trials that included 2,608 patients, and concluded that ginkgo biloba,when used in combination with conventional medicines, results were better than with medicines alone.

While these results are promising, there were inconsistent findings compared with placebo, there was too small of a sample size to determine quality results, and there were associated mild adverse events with its use.

Since it is fairly well tolerated by most, though, supplementing with ginkgo biloba may not be a bad idea. It does, however, have blood thinning properties, which is important to note for elderly folks, as it may interfere with medications or other treatments.

ginkgo bilob leaf benefits for health | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

3. Contains Powerful Antioxidants

Antioxidants are the agents that fight and neutralize free radicals in your body; these can be damaging, and contribute to accelerated aging and disease progression.

They are produced by the body during metabolic functions such as detoxification or converting food to energy.

Ginkgo contains higher-than-average levels of terpenoids and flavonoids, two compounds that are renowned for being strong antioxidants, which may be the reason the tree is so revered in ancient medicine.

4. May Be Beneficial To Diabetics

With obesity frequency and severity on the rise, science is turning to naturopathic medicine – once again – for intervention as one of the primary underlying causes for diabetes type 2.

Ginkgo biloba extract has been studied for its role in improving insulin resistance, as well as reducing body weight in test rats; the extract showed significant results in reducing food intake and weight gain

In their conclusion, the researchers recommended that ginkgo extract be seriously investigated as a therapy for treating obesity-related metabolic diseases, especially where the subject is at risk for deviating from a nutritional education program set for them.

5. May Improve Circulation

Traditional Chinese medicine used ginkgo seeds to improve the energy channels for organs such as the kidneys, liver, brain and lungs, and we suspect it’s because of its ability to increase blood flow to these parts of the body and more.

Studies have shown that people suffering from heart disease who began to take ginkgo biloba supplements showed an immediate increase in blood flow; another study corroborated this by revealing similar effects in older adults treated with an extract form.

6. May Help With Anxiety And Depression

While the science of treating mental disorders has progressed, it has brought along with it pharmaceutical side effects that may exacerbate the underlying condition.

Some recent studies have looked backwards in time to ancient uses of plants and their extracts in order to unlock a medicine that is better suited and more efficient for helping those who suffer from illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

Scientists are looking at not just ginkgo’s efficacy, but how it works, what side effects are present, and whether there are any interactions with other drugs.

Early results show that ginkgo biloba is effective in improving patients’ cognitive abilities, and also reducing anxiety under certain conditions.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

If you’re curious and have questions about ginkgo biloba, or you’re concerned about one of the conditions listed in this article, then you should consider seeking the knowledge and advice of a naturopathic doctor, who is an expert in holistic medicine.

Call now to book your appointment at the Mindful Healing Clinic, and let us set you up with treatments that will promote your best health and vitality.

The post Health Benefits Of Ginkgo Biloba appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Natural Alternatives To Spring Seasonal Allergy Medication

Natural Alternatives To Spring Seasonal Allergy Medication | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Many people suffer from seasonal allergies, but the side-effects of the medications they use to help them through may sometimes present its own issues.

If you dread dealing with spring seasonal allergies, you’re not alone, but you do have options beyond pharmaceuticals to help. Read on to find out what a few of them are.

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are the body’s reaction to a foreign substance or allergen.

Your body produces antibodies that attack the allergen, even though it’s not actually harmful to your body.

Symptoms of allergic reaction include inflamed skin, sinuses, airways or digestive system, and can also include anaphylaxis in severe cases.

Common Spring Seasonal Allergens

In the case of seasonal allergies, your body overreacts to the presence of pollens, grass, mold or ragweed.

In the spring, specifically, it’s usually because of tree pollen that is released into the air as trees sprout leaves, flowers and fruit; however, grasses and weeds are other common culprits.

Symptoms Of Spring Seasonal Allergies

When the pollen finds its way into your body, it triggers the release of chemicals called histamines into your bloodstream.

These histamines cause runny nose, itchy and/or watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, and possibly a rash or hives.

Natural Solutions For Spring Allergies

Anti-histamines are the over-the-counter medicine that prevent the histamine from triggering your symptoms, but they can cause dry mouth, drowsiness or dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, restlessness or moodiness, or trouble sleeping

Luckily, I have seen good results through treatments with a variety of natural remedies, which I have listed for you below.

1. Take Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has so many uses, but it is also amazing as a natural allergy remedy.

It functions by helping to reduce mucus production and by cleansing your lymphatic system.

If you can, take a tablespoon straight-up; if you find that too difficult, mix it in with a teaspoon of honey and a cup of hot water, and drink this every night.

2. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a frequently-prescribed treatment for many ailments – it has as many uses as you have meridians, pathways and points on your body, which total more than four hundred.

A 2015 paper by Xue Et Al outlines a study where participants were randomly given either acupuncture or sham acupuncture, which feels like real acupuncture to the person receiving it but doesn’t actually do anything. If you’re familiar with clinical trials, it’s the same idea as giving somebody a sugar pill to account for the placebo effect.

The study found that real acupuncture was significantly better than sham acupuncture in controlling the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (the medical term for hay fever) and that it significantly improved the quality of life of the study participants.

Acupuncture doesn’t cure your allergies, but instead it helps to significantly reduce the symptoms of your allergic reactions; for seasonal allergies, your naturopath will insert tiny needles around your sinuses and nasal area.

Acupuncture points can also be stimulated with electricity without having to use needles, and this method is more convenient for allergies.

3. Consider An Elimination Diet

Often people discover that other allergies – such as food allergies – can aggravate and increase the symptoms of their hay fever, so dealing with those before going into your allergy season can help reduce the overall impact from the pollens.

To implement this method, eat a very bland diet for a week, making sure to avoid all possible allergenic foods.

At the end of this time, start to reintroduce your most commonly-used foods one by one, carefully noticing your body’s reactions to them; if you notice itchiness or additional phlegm after adding a new food, it can indicate a food sensitivity.

natural allergy herbal solutions | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

4. Homeopathy

Homeopathy is the use of tiny amounts of natural substances (such as plants and minerals) to simulate the body’s natural healing process.

For seasonal allergies, a naturopath might recommend allium cepa, euphrasia, natrum muriaticum, nux vomica, or wyethia.

These can be combined or used to treat the various symptoms of seasonal allergies as they crop up.

5. Lifestyle Changes

During peak allergy season, and if you’re very susceptible, you may have to reduce your time spent outdoors – but that doesn’t mean you have to spend every moment inside.

Using a dust mask while you’re outdoors in the yard means you don’t have to worry about disturbing the allergens while you work.

You can also take advantage of your air conditioner while you’re in your home or car.

Fabrics can attract and collect pollen, so get rid of unnecessary carpets, stuffed toys, and be sure to wash bedding weekly with hot water; another option is to find allergen-proof covers for your bed and pillows.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

If you find yourself carrying around a box of tissues every spring, perhaps it’s time to give yourself a break by planning in advance to reduce the impact of your allergies.

Call now to book an appointment with me and let me help you figure out your triggers as well as the best plan for overcoming them.

I can recommend the right treatments for you so that you can enjoy your spring outdoors again.

The post Natural Alternatives To Spring Seasonal Allergy Medication appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B5

Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B5 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Most people find they didn’t retain as much info from their high school health class as they would have liked, which is why I like to do these articles on the vitamins our bodies need to stay healthy.

My name is Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, and I am a naturopathic doctor in Streetsville; I help my clients by both educating them on their health and diets, as well as prescribing treatments that can help them find a new level of wellness.

Today we’re talking about vitamin B5.

What About Vitamin B4?

If you’re an avid reader of this blog, you may have noticed that the last time we covered a B vitamin, it was vitamin B3.

This time we’re looking at vitamin B5, so what about B4?

To understand that, we need to first understand what a vitamin actually is in the first place.

Vitamins are organic compounds which we need to continue living; vitamin deficiency can lead to a wide range of symptoms, and long-term vitamin deficiency can be deadly.

The difference between vitamins and other supplements, though, is that your body either doesn’t produce enough of them on its own, or it doesn’t produce them at all.

Once upon a time, there was a vitamin B4, but today we call it adenine – it’s one of the four essential components in DNA.

If you’re scientifically-minded, you may recognize the acronym GCAT – adenine is the A in that list (the other three are guanine, cytosine, and thymine).

Adenine is still a helpful nutrient, but because the body can synthesize it on its own, it doesn’t meet the specific definition of “vitamin.”

Perhaps in the future we’ll do an article on these “lost vitamins”, which includes what was once considered vitamins B8, B10, B11, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, and many more.

What Is Vitamin B5?

Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is important in order for your body to properly process carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.

If you don’t get enough B5 through your diet, you can take it as a supplement in order to boost your levels – you’ll notice you’re getting enough when your skin starts looking healthier.

Benefits Of Vitamin B5

There are many conditions that vitamin B5 can help with and great many benefits, as you’ll see from the long list below, though some more effective or more proven than others:

• Alcoholism
• Allergies
• Asthma
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Convulsions
• Colitis and constipation
• Dandruff
• Depression
• Diabetic problems
• Dry eyes and eye infections (conjunctivitis)
• Enhancing immune function
• Hair loss
• Heart health
• Headache
• Hyperactivity and possibly ADHD
• Insomnia
• Irritability
• Kidney disorders
• Lung disorders
• Low blood pressure
• Multiple sclerosis
• Muscular dystrophy
• Muscle cramps
• Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
• Sinus infection
• Skin irritations
• Sprains

While I do sometimes prescribe it to my patients for one or more of the above, let’s look in more detail to the most common reasons I recommend it, below.

1. Supports Vitamin B2

Not long ago, I did an article on vitamin B2, an important vitamin for normal cell growth and functioning.

Vitamin B5 is good for supporting B2 absorption, which helps the body absorb nutrients and helps maintain its energy levels.

2. Helps Regulate Cholesterol Levels

The link between B5 and improved cholesterol levels has garnered enough attention to result in studies to test and measure its safety and efficacy.

In one triple-blind study, pantetheine (a biologically-active derivative of B5) was administered while subjects followed a ‘therapeutic lifestyle change’ diet.

The results were very encouraging: it demonstrated “significant and sustained reductions” in cholesterol over the course of the sixteen-week trial.

3. Improves Cognitive Performance

Vitamin B5 works with coenzyme-A to synthesize neurotransmitters which affect alertness, memory, mood, and cognition.

As well, it’s part of the process that converts nutrients into energy, which is instrumental in establishing and sustaining mental clarity.

4. Helps With Chronic Stress

You may have heard B5 called the ‘anti-stress’ vitamin – pantothenic acid is one of the ingredients in coenzyme-A, which the adrenal glands use in the manufacture of cortisol and epinephrine.

These are how the body helps process stress, anxiety and depression better, meaning B5 can help to boost your overall mood as well as reducing your stress levels, specifically.

5. Improves Your Ability To Heal From Wounds

Wounds are able to heal more quickly when your diet is flush with vitamin B5, because of how critical it is to cell growth.

Wounds require your body to grow cells in order to close cuts or abrasions, and when your B5 levels are good, it means your body is very efficient at growing those needed healthy cells.

This might also be part of the reason that many athletes like to supplement with B5: because one of its many effects is that it helps the body repair from the damage done to it by rigorous training.

Other benefits

One huge benefit of vitamin B5 is that it helps in the skin’s hydration, which is why you see so many beauty products that have included B5 in their lotions, creams and ointments.

It is applied as a provitamin B5, which transforms into pantothenic acid when it’s absorbed by the skin.

Once absorbed, it helps to not just moisturize, but soothe, regenerate and heal your skin’s condition.

Dietary Sources Of Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is easy to come across through dietary sources:

• Chicken, turkey, beef, pork, and especially liver and kidney cuts
• Salmon and shellfish
• Lentils, soybeans, and split peas
• Whole grains and cereals
• Milk, yogurt, egg yolks and other dairy products

No matter whether you have a wide or specific diet, there are enough sources to maintain your vitamin B5 levels; and if not, then supplements are readily available at your local health food store.

Symptoms Of Vitamin B5 Deficiency

Although it’s quite rare to see a B5 deficiency, it would include symptoms such as:

• Fatigue
• Insomnia
• Depression
• Irritability
• Upper respiratory infections
• Stomach pains
• Vomiting
• Burning feet

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

If you see one or more ailments you’re suffering from on that long list above, you should consider seeing a naturopathic doctor to have your vitamin levels checked and to put a plan in place to address any deficiencies.

Vitamin B5 deficiency may be rare, but these symptoms may be related to a deficiency in another vitamin.

I’d be happy to provide my recommendations, so call now and book yourself a 15-minute FREE assessment so that we can meet and determine how to help you moving forward.

The post Vitamin Profile: Vitamin B5 appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Naturopathic Solutions For Type 2 Diabetes Part 2

Naturopathic Solutions For Type 2 Diabetes Part 2 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

In our last article in this series on type 2 diabetes, we looked at the causes, symptoms, and risk factors of this disease, as well as the complications – if you haven’t read that one, we recommend taking a look to determine your risk factors for this disease or if you are experiencing symptoms.

We’ve also reviewed the impact of a high-sugar diet, which includes a higher propensity for developing diabetes later in life.

Today we are going to have a look at how type 2 diabetes is diagnosed and some of the treatment options which can be used to manage this disease.

Diagnosing Type 2 Diabetes

If you are worried you may have type 2 diabetes, you will need to see your doctor or health professional to be tested.

There are a series of tests which can be used to determine if you have type 2 diabetes, these include the following:

• Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test. This test indicates your average blood glucose level over two to three months by measuring the percentage of glucose attached to hemoglobin; levels of 6.5 percent or higher indicate diabetes, although pregnancy can make this test inaccurate.

• Random blood glucose test. A blood sample taken at a random time, showing levels of 11 millimoles per liter (mmol/L) (or 200 milligrams per deciliter {mg/dL}) or higher indicate diabetes, regardless of the last time a person ate, especially when paired with other symptoms such as frequent urination.

• Fasting blood glucose test. A blood sample is taken after an overnight fast, and if the blood glucose level is over 7 mmol/L (or 126 mg/dL) on two separate occasions, this in an indicator of diabetes.

• Oral glucose tolerance test. After an overnight fast your blood glucose is measured. Then, after drinking a sugary liquid,levels are tested periodically over two hours.

Routine fasting blood glucose testing is recommended for everybody, and at the age of 45 and older additional testing is recommended, especially in overweight individuals.

Naturopathic Approach To Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Although a diagnosis can be scary, there are ways to manage diabetes and potentially stall, or in some cases, reverse the effects.

Left untreated, type 2 diabetes can result in organ damage, cardiovascular disease, and even limb amputations due to the nerve damage which can result.

Let’s have a look at some of these treatments.

prevent type 2 diabetes into old age | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

1. Eliminate Refined Sugar From Your Diet

Sugars, as well as white and processed grains can cause blood glucose to spike, which contributes to insulin resistance and weight gain.

Removing sugar, as well as sources of simple carbohydrates such as white bread, white pasta, and white rice, is essential to managing this disease.

2. Physical Activity

Being more active can help improve insulin-resistance.

Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight will help, as one of the risk factors for diabetes is obesity.

The centre for disease control recommends a minimum of 2.5 hours per week of moderate-to-intense cardiovascular activity per week, as well as strength training.

If you are new to physical activity, always consult your doctor or health-care provider before starting a new routine.

3. Increase Your Dietary Fibre

Food which are high in fibre will slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream.

Whole fruit, vegetables, and beans are all good options of high-fibre foods.

4. Correct Any Mineral Deficiencies

Some studies have shown type 2 diabetics are more likely to be deficient in minerals, including chromium and magnesium.

Choose food sources which are high in these minerals, including leafy greens such as kale, chard, broccoli and bok choy to aid in replenishing these vital nutrients.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

Are you worried you might have type 2 diabetes?

Have you been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and want to look at natural alternatives for treatment?

At the Mindful Healing Clinic we can help.

Contact us today to set up an appointment.

We will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

The post Naturopathic Solutions For Type 2 Diabetes Part 2 appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Naturopathic Solutions For Type 2 Diabetes Part 1

Naturopathic Solutions For Type 2 Diabetes Part 1 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

Type 2 diabetes, sometimes called “adult onset” diabetes is the most common form of this disease.

A diagnosis can seem scary, however there are a number of naturopathic treatments which can help manage it.

In this 2-part series, we will first examine what type 2 diabetes is, how it is caused, and the risk factors and complications that may result from it.

What Is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a condition which affects the way the body metabolizes sugar.

Insulin is a hormone that promotes the uptake of sugar, in the form of glucose,into your cells. Intype 2 diabetes, the body either does not produce enough insulin to maintain normal glucose levels, or cells resist the effects of insulin.

Although typically more common in adults, type 2 diabetes is becoming increasingly prevalent in children as rates of childhood obesity rise.

Causes Of Type 2 Diabetes

The exact cause is unknown, however it seems to be a combination of genetics and environmental factors.

Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes

The onset of symptoms for type 2 diabetes can be very slow.

Without testing, it is possible to have type 2 diabetes for years without realizing it.

Symptoms may include the following:

● Increased hunger, as cells don’t receive glucose to turn into energy.

● Increased thirst, due to glucose in your bloodstream pulling fluid from tissues, and as a result, dehydration.

● Frequent urination.

● Fatigue due to cells being deprived of glucose.

● Vision problems, including inability to focus and blurred vision.

● Frequent infections.

● Patches of darkened skin.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, and cannot explain them, it might be time to see your doctor or healthcare professional.

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Risk Factors For Type 2 Diabetes

There are a number of factors which can add to increased risk for type 2 diabetes.

Here are some of the risk factors to be aware of – if you fall into any of these categories, prevention is key. Also, be sure to maintain awareness of the symptoms and be vigilant for changes which may indicate you are developing the disease.

● Weight. The primary risk factor for type 2 diabetes is being overweight or obese, as the increase of fatty tissue can cause insulin resistance.

● Fat distribution. In addition to being overweight, those people who tend to store fat in their abdomen are at greater risk.

● Lack of physical activity. Individuals who are inactive are at greater risk for type 2 diabetes. Activity helps increase sensitivity to insulin.

● Heredity. Those with a family history of type 2 diabetes are at greater risk.

● Age. Typically type 2 diabetes has been more present in those over the age of 45; however, it is becoming more common among younger generations.

● Polycystic ovarian syndrome. This condition, which is characterized by irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth, and obesity,can increase the risk of diabetes.

● Gestational diabetes. A person who has developed gestational diabetes during pregnancy, or who gives birth to a baby who weighs more than 9 pounds is at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

● Ethnicity. Individuals who are African-American, Native American, Hispanic or Latinx, and Asian experience higher rates of type 2 diabetes.

Complications From Type 2 Diabetes

Because type 2 diabetes generally has a slow onset, it can be easy to ignore, especially in the early stages; however, its effects can be disabling, and potentially life threatening.

Complications from type 2 diabetes can include:

● Heart disease and increase risk of cardiovascular problems.

● Nerve damage, due to damage to blood vessel caused by excess glucose.

● Kidney damage

● Eye damage, including damage to the retina and blood vessels, potentially leading to blindness.

● Foot damage caused by nerve damage and poor blood flow.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

Are you worried you’re exhibiting signs of type 2 diabetes?

Do you have some of the risk factors listed above, combined with some of the symptoms listed?

Contact the Mindful Healing clinic today, and we will work with you to create a treatment plan which fits your life and your unique needs.

The post Naturopathic Solutions For Type 2 Diabetes Part 1 appeared first on Mindful Healing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Naturopathic Solutions For Type 1 Diabetes Part 2

Naturopathic Solutions For Type 1 Diabetes Part 2 | Mindful Healing | Mississauga Naturopathic Doctor

In our last article, we covered the causes for type 1 diabetes; in part 2, we will start to dive further into what naturopathic diabetes treatments you can ask your local naturopath about.

Diagnosing Type 1 Diabetes

We already know how type 1 diabetes presents, from our previous article on the subject.

When the pancreas stops producing enough insulin, we see symptoms such as:

• Frequent urination or bed-wetting
• Fatigue and weakness
• Increased thirst and hunger
• Weight loss
• Mood fluctuations and irritability
• Blurred vision

Now scientists consider type 1 diabetes an autoimmune condition. Unfortunately, by the time is diagnosed most of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas have been destroyed.

Almost all type 1 diabetics will be required to monitor glucose levels and treat themselves with insulin for the duration of their lives.

Because insulin cannot be taken orally – stomach enzymes break down the insulation, rendering it unusable – it must be administered by either injection or with an insulin pump.

Naturopathic Approach To Type 1 Diabetes Treatment

While type 1 diabetes isn’t curable, it can be managed quite effectively through the following treatments.

It should go without saying that nothing you read in this article, or on this website in general, should be used as a substitute for advice from a qualified healthcare practitioner. Please do not cease taking any medication or alter your prescription because of what you read in this article or on this website.

Instead, come talk to me and we’ll work on how to help you incorporate them into your lifestyle

1. Chromium Supplements

Supplements can also be of assistance with controlling your diabetes.

Zinc and magnesium are both helpful, and this study
has also shown positive results from using chromium.

Scientists noticed that several previous studies had linked decreased levels of chromium, zinc and magnesium with type 1 diabetes, and specifically with poor glycemic control.

Once these levels are replenished, insulin signal transduction improves, as well as glucose metabolism and your cellular antioxidative defense.

Supplementing with chromium helps by alleviating diabetes-induced complications and by preventing diabetes-related oxidative injuries.

2. Gymnema Sylvestre Supplements

Naturopaths use many different types of treatments in supporting your health and wellness, including supplements – as described above – and herbs.

Gymnema sylvestre is an herb that has been shown in studies to decrease blood sugar.

Gymnema sylvestre is generally well tolerated and can be an effective treatment, and has no side effects associated with its use.

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3. Dietary Changes

For diabetics especially – although this is also an excellent diet for the rest of the population – it is important to build their diet on a low-saturated fat, high-fiber foundation.

Start with including primarily fruits, vegetables and whole grains, while also eliminating refined carbs such as sugar, bread and candy.

With type 1 diabetes, you’ll need to learn to monitor your carb intake so that you can be sure to dose yourself with enough insulin to metabolize properly.Many people who are first learning to manage type 1 diabetes find it helpful to have a naturopath on hand to help them build a meal plan that keeps them safely in range.

4. Physical Activity

The important thing to remember about exercise is that physical activity will actively and effectively lower your blood sugar.

Always check with a doctor before starting a new exercise regimen, and then feel free to find something that gets you moving that you also enjoy.

Fit in at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise every week, with no more than two days between workouts; children need more activity, however – at least an hour every day.

Call The Mindful Healing Clinic

Because the side-effects of type 1 diabetes can be so debilitating, I can’t urge you strongly enough to seek knowledgeable, experienced advice on how to manage your lifestyle for best results.

My name is Dr. Maria Cavallazzi, and I am a naturopathic doctor in Mississauga who has over 15 years’ experience helping patients by treating their diabetes.

Call now for a consultation with me, in order to get to the bottom of your lifestyle challenges and how best to adjust in order to live a long, healthy life with type 1 diabetes.

The post Naturopathic Solutions For Type 1 Diabetes Part 2 appeared first on Mindful Healing.